Family tree familie Vogel » Descendants of Dirk Adrianus Vogel

Generation 5 (continuation)


Janny Vogel, daughter of Leen Vogel and Jo de Wit, was born on November 6, 1960 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland.


Jan Vogel, son of Leen Vogel and Jo de Wit, was born on June 8, 1965 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland. He got married on October 10, 1991 with (Not public).

They had 3 children:


Albert Vogel, son of Leen Vogel and Jo de Wit, was born on August 11, 1969 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland. He got married with (Not public).

They had 4 children:


Han (Johannes Albertus) Vogel, son of Teun Vogel and Bep Westerdijk, was born on October 1, 1954 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland.


Henrie Vogel, son of Teun Vogel and Bep Westerdijk, was born on June 2, 1957 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland.


Ruud Vogel, son of Teun Vogel and Bep Westerdijk, was born on October 13, 1961 in Kampen, Overijssel, Nederland. He got married with (Not public).

They had 4 children:


Lisette Vogel, daughter of Teun Vogel and Bep Westerdijk, was born on February 17, 1966 in Kampen, Overijssel, Nederland. She is missional advisor by profession. She got married in Sint Philipsland with (Not public).

They had 3 children:


Jan Vogel, son of Dick Vogel and Bep Wielaard, was born on September 27, 1958 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland. He got married with Petra Dijkshoorn, daughter of Arie Willem Dijkshoorn. She was born on June 29, 1960 in Vlaardingen.

They had 3 children:


Cees Vogel, son of Dick Vogel and Bep Wielaard, was born on April 6, 1961 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland. He got married with (Not public).

They had 2 children:


Peter Vogel, son of Dick Vogel and Bep Wielaard, was born on February 2, 1963 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland. He got married with Jolanda Wielaard.


Marjolein Vogel, daughter of Dick Vogel and Bep Wielaard, was born on August 10, 1969 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland. She got married with (Not public).

They had 3 children:


Annette Vogel, daughter of Gerard Vogel and Map Stijnen, was born on August 14, 1961 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland.


Henri Vogel, son of Gerard Vogel and Map Stijnen, was born on August 11, 1963 in Vlaardingen, Zuid Holland, Nederland.

Generation 6


Eline Vogel, daughter of Wim Vogel and Nel Ligthart, was born on July 26, 1976. She got married with Roel Savert.

They had 3 children:


Willeke Vogel, daughter of Wim Vogel and Nel Ligthart, was born on December 16, 1977. She got married with Henk Noppe.

They had 2 children:


Anne-Co Struijk, daughter of (Not public) and Tilly Vogel, was born on February 17, 1985 in Dordrecht.


Hanneke Vroom, daughter of (Not public) and Marjolein Vogel, was born on November 23, 1999.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111825 - 1825
2111850 - 1872
3231875 - 1905
4141914 - 1933
5391948 - 1970
641976 - 1999

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