Family tree van de familienamen De Kwaasteniet, De Kwaadsteniet en de Quaadsteniet » Descendants of Arien Baes

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111497 - 1497
221529 - 1537
321565 - 1567
451588 - 1595
541616 - 1631
671647 - 1660
7181670 - 1716
8311698 - 1741
9661722 - 1768
10581747 - 1807
11881784 - 1847
121421816 - 1888
132571857 - 1926
141431898 - 1958
15181924 - 1968

This tree is available in text, PDF, DOC and EPUB format and as family tree in graphical form.

family tree in graphical formDOC