About the town » Megen, Gemeente Oss, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Records from Megen

Megen or Meghem is a small city in the southern part of the Netherlands, in the province North Brabant, close to the river Maas. It is part of the Oss municipality. The number of inhabitants is approximately 1700. Megen used to be the capital of the county Megen that was founded around 1145. City rights were obtained in 1357. In 1810, the County Megen became a municipality to which Haren and Macharen were added in 1821. The municipality Megen, Haren en Macharen became a part of the municipality Oss in 1994. Currently, there are two monasteries in Megen. One is inhabited by the Clarissas (also called the Poor Clares), followers of St. Clare of Assisi. The other is occupied by the Franciscans, followers of St. Francis of Assisi. Of the two castles Megen used to have, only one tower is remaining.

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Gemeente Oss
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