Brandt / van Elten / Joubert / Arella » Descendants of Johan Henrich Brandt

Generation 9


Johannes Theodorus Brandt, son of Johannes Hermanus Brandt and Maria Nannings, was born on July 20, 1960 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland. Johannes Theodorus died at the age of 55 on November 11, 2015 in Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland.


Hermanus Gerardus (Hermes) Brandt, son of Hermanus Gerardus Brandt and Alida van Elten, was born on June 15, 1948 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland and was baptized on June 16, 1948 in Baarsjeskerk, Chasséstraat 62, Amsterdam, Nederland. He got married (1) on May 17, 1971 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland with (Not public). He got married (2) on June 15, 2009 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland with (Not public).

They had 2 children:

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111660 - 1660
241690 - 1701
331738 - 1742
461760 - 1785
5121814 - 1831
6341844 - 1872
7561880 - 1907
8351911 - 1945
921948 - 1960

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