Descendants Pelties/Peltjes » Descendants of Francoijs Pelties

Generation 10 (continuation)


Gezina Johanna Hendrika Peltjes, daughter of Gerhard Peltjes and Everdina Aaltina Dijkman, was born on July 9, 1933 in Hardenberg. She got married with Hendricus Heuver. Gezina Johanna Hendrika died at the age of 83 on October 11, 2016.


Jan Hendrik Peltjes, son of Gerhard Peltjes and Everdina Aaltina Dijkman, was born on October 15, 1934 in Hardenberg. He is manager by profession. He got married on July 12, 1961 in Vorden with (Not public). Jan Hendrik died at the age of 80 on June 1, 2015 in Culemborg and is buried on June 6, 2015 in Culemborg.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11 -
261676 - 1688
3151709 - 1720
4251741 - 1741
5161797 - 1797
661810 - 1833
771842 - 1861
8191876 - 1895
9141900 - 1925
1031931 - 1934

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