About the town » Rose Park, Burnside, South Australia, Australia

Records from Rose Park

Rose Park is a suburb with a population of 1,293 in the South Australian capital city of Adelaide. It is located one kilometre east of Adelaide's central business district (CBD). Rose Park is a leafy, tree-lined and wealthy inner suburb containing a number of historical and contemporary attractions. Much of the area's 19th Century housing stock has been recognised with heritage protection.Part of the Burnside Council, it is bounded to the north by Kensington Road, to the east by Prescott Terrace, to the south by Dulwich Avenue and to the west by Fullarton Road. The area is mainly residential in nature, with commercial buildings along Fullarton Road, Kensington Road, and Dulwich Avenue. This places it on the very edge of the Adelaide Park Lands, bordering Victoria Park.In the second quarter of 2010, the median price of the four property sales in Rose Park was $1,500,000.

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