About the town » Gemeente Korendijk, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Records from Gemeente Korendijk

' is a municipality on the Hoeksche Waard Island in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The municipality covers an area of 100.48 km² (38.80 mile²) of which 22.57 km² (8.71 mile²) is water. With the municipal reorganization of the Hoeksche Waard on 1 January 1984, the municipality of Korendijk was formed out of the former municipalities of Goudswaard, Nieuw-Beijerland, Piershil (location of town hall), Zuid-Beijerland, and the island Tiengemeten. In addition to these villages, it also has the population centres Nieuwendijk and Zuidzijde. It is bordered on the southside by the Haringvliet estuary, on the westside by the Spui River, and by the municipalities Oud-Beijerland and Cromstrijen to the north and east.

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Gemeente Korendijk

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This place belongs to the working area of the Erfgoedcentrum DiEP