About the town » Paradise, Wise County, Texas, United States

Records from Paradise
Source: Wikipedia Information

Paradise is a city in Wise County, Texas, United States. The population was 485 at the 2010 census. The majority of the population that claims Paradise as its home lives outside of the city limits. Surrounding areas are flat with rolling hills. Native trees that can be seen in the area are Oak, Pecan, Mesquite, and Cottonwood. The Trinity River, one of Texas's major rivers, is found about 4 miles away from the city. During the 19th century, Paradise was the largest city in Wise County. It had a bank, a cotton gin, and two hotels. During the 20th century, the population has declined due to urbanization in larger cities. Major industries in the area are that of excavation, construction, and oil and water well drilling.

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