About the town » Itu, Itu, São Paulo, Brazil

Records from Itu

Itu is an old and historic municipality in the state of São Paulo in Brazil. The population in 2009 was 157,384 and the area is 641.68 km². The elevation is 583 m. This place name comes from the Tupi language, meaning big waterfall. Itu is linked with the highway numbered the SP-75 and are flowed with two rivers, Tietê and Jundiaí. Itu has five hospitals, eleven bank agencies and one shopping center, the Plaza Shopping Itu. Itu was founded by the Portuguese in 1610 by Domingos Fernandes. It became a parish in 1653. In 1657, it was elevated to a town and municipality. It became a part of Brazil in 1822. It became a city in 1843. Itu was the birthplace of the Brazilian Republic and has a renowned museum. Itu became a famous town after "Simplicio" a well known Brazilian comedian, born in Itu, was made Tourism Secretary and to increase tourism promoted it as the "capital of large things". For example, the town square holds a giant 4mt high yellow phone-booth "orelhão". The Itu popsicle is about 30 cm (1 foot) tall. And a giant Christmas tree. With the increase in domestic tourism the infrastructure soon developed to attract foreign visitors as well as international meetings, seminars and congress events. In 1999 and 2003 the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement held their international delegation session in Itu bringing people from over 80 countries to the city at each event.

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