About the town » Calatayud, Provincia de Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain

Records from Calatayud

Calatayud (2012 pop. 21,174) is a city and municipality in the province of Zaragoza in Aragón, Spain lying on the river Jalón, in the midst of the Sistema Ibérico mountain range. It is the second-largest city in the province after the capital, Zaragoza, and the largest town in Aragón other than the three provincial capitals. It is the seat of the comarca of Comunidad de Calatayud. The city has the title "Muy noble, leal, siempre augusta y fidelísima ciudad de Calatayud". Calatayud became the first democratic municipality in 1977, because elections were held one day before all the rest of Spain, to prepare for a visit by King Juan Carlos I.

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Provincia de Zaragoza
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