About the town » Berlicum, Gemeente Sint-Michielsgestel, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Records from Berlicum

Berlicum is a village in the Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant, located in the Meierij of 's-Hertogenbosch near the river Aa. The village was most likely founded between 600 and 700 AD. Up until a large-scale administrative reorganisation in the Netherlands it was a separate municipality along with the village Middelrode. In 1996 it merged with the municipality Sint-Michielsgestel, along with Den Dungen, Gemonde and Maaskantje. It's the second-largest village of the municipality after Sint-Michielsgestel. On 1 January 2009 Berlicum had 9743 inhabitants. The village's center is the town square called the 'Mercuriusplein' around which most of the stores are located and which hosts a weekly market. There are two churches in the village: the 'Samen-op-Weg'-kerk and the R.K. Sint-Petruskerk. Both churches have a dark history: during the liberation at the end of the Second World War many historical buildings in Berlicum, including both churches, were destroyed. After WWII Berlicum became a commuter village.

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Gemeente Sint-Michielsgestel
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