About the town » Bunnik, Gemeente Bunnik, Utrecht, Netherlands

Bunnik is a municipality and a village in the Netherlands, in the province of Utrecht. The recorded history of the village dates back nearly 2000 years, when the Romans constructed a fort at Fectio with a harbour facing the river Rhine, which marked the border of the Roman Empire. The fort developed into a thriving trading centre, which continued to exist after the Romans abandoned the fort in the fourth century. Subsequently, the area was occupied by the Frisians and the Franks. In the 8th and 9th century the villages of Bunninchem (Bunnik), Lodichem en Wercundia developed. Chief interests of Bunnik are its surrounding nature, consisting mainly of forests and farmlands. Additionally, Bunnik, hosts the oldest Youth Hostel in the Netherlands.

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Gemeente Bunnik
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This place belongs to the working area of the Regionaal Historisch Centrum Zuidoost Utrecht