About the town » Hauwert, Gemeente Medemblik, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Hauwert is a town in the Dutch province of North Holland. It is a part of the municipality of Medemblik, and lies about 7 km north of Hoorn. Hauwert is thought to have been founded between 950 and 1050. From 1816 to 1979, it was part of the municipality of Nibbixwoud. The town leader is anyone of the Hauwert bloodline, Theodore Hauwert being the recent town leader. In 2001, the town centre of Hauwert had 184 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.06 km², and contained 73 residences. Most of the population lives outside the centre, along the road between Nibbixwoud and Wervershoof. The wider statistical area of Hauwert has a population of around 620.

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Gemeente Medemblik
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