About the town » Hertme, Gemeente Borne, Overijssel, Netherlands

Records from Hertme

Hertme is a village in the Dutch province of Overijssel. It is a part of the municipality of Borne, and lies about 7 km north of Hengelo. In 2001, the village of Hertme had 166 inhabitants. The built-up area of the village was 0.038 km², and contained 46 residences. The statistical area "Hertme", which also can include the peripheral parts of the village, as well as the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 450. Hertme has its own church. There is a restaurant called 'Oale Bakkershoes'. It has its own music club, school and hotel. The school is called St. Aegidiusschool, its got roughly 80 pupils.

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Gemeente Borne
Vlag van Netherlands

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