About the town » Hoenzadriel, Gemeente Maasdriel, Gelderland, Netherlands

Hoenzadriel is a city in the Dutch province of Gelderland. It is a part of the municipality of Maasdriel and lies about 6 km north of 's-Hertogenbosch. The main infrastructure is dominated by the following six roads (descending in length): Hoenzadrielsedijk (4.3 km) Rooiensestraat (2.7 km) Kievitsham (1.9 km) wertsteeg (1.1 km) Heemraadstraat (230 m) Drielsebosch (dead end) Veerwaardweg (260 m) The statistical area "Hoenzadriel", which can include the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 160.

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Gemeente Maasdriel
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Streekarchief Bommelerwaard