About the town » Lieren, Gemeente Apeldoorn, Gelderland, Netherlands

Records from Lieren

Lieren is a village in the Netherlands in the municipality of Apeldoorn. It is situated about 8 km (2 miles) south-east of the city centre of Apeldoorn and 2 km east of Beekbergen. It has about 1124 inhabitants. Despite its size, Lieren has a primary school, a bakery and a few DIY-stores. Most of its income come from tourism, with the Veluwe close at hand and multiple camping sites nearby. Also, a steam-train station belonging to the VSM attracts many tourists. Once in every 4 years, the Uutbuurt takes place in Lieren. This is an event at which almost the whole village is present. At this event some local bands and artists perform and a sheep is to be won on a lottery.

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Gemeente Apeldoorn
Vlag van Netherlands

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