About the town » Nieuwkoop, Gemeente Nieuwkoop, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands

Nieuwkoop is a town and municipality in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The municipality was enlarged on January 1, 2007, through the amalgamation of Liemeer and Ter Aar. Before 2007, the municipality covered an area of 38.50 km² (14.86 mile²) of which 8.69 km² (3.36 mile²) is water. Its population was 11,092 in 2004. On May 3th, 2008, the Dutch newspaper het Algemeen Dagblad published an arcticle which stated that Nieuwkoop is the safest municipality of the Netherlands. The municipality of Nieuwkoop includes the following communities: Aardam Korteraar Langeraar Nieuwkoop Nieuwveen Noordeinde Noorden Noordsedorp Papenveer Ter Aar Vrouwenakker Woerdense Verlaat Zevenhoven

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