About the town » Riel, Gemeente Goirle, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Popular surnames at Riel

Riel is a village in the municipality of Goirle, south of Tilburg in the province North-Brabant. Until 1997 it belonged to the municipality Alphen en Riel. On the east it is bordered by the stream valley of the river Donge, on the west by the deactivated railroad Turnhout- Tilburg. Riel is a socalled es- village, a type of settlement typical of Brabant- the village grew and stretched out as new enclosures took place alongside the road. First development took place as early as in the 7th century, with a peak in the 12th century when the church stimulated the enclosure of the common grounds and development. Nowadays Riel is a commuter village. In the South and East large nature preserves are located, such as the moor "Regte Heide", also a tumulus site, "Riels Laag" and hunting ground "Hoefke". Because the stream valley cuts through moor and sandy areas, there is a considerable difference in heights.

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Gemeente Goirle
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Regionaal Archief Tilburg

Please note, there are several place names with this name that appear in publications on Genealogy Online: