About the town » Terborg, Oude IJsselstreek, Gelderland, Netherlands

Terborg is a village in the Dutch province of Gelderland, in the east of the Netherlands. It is located in the municipality of Oude IJsselstreek. The village lies about 7 km southeast of Doetinchem. The population is about 4600 inhabitants. Terborg is situated on the river the Oude IJssel. In the centre of the little city lies Castle Wisch, founded in the 13th century (the name "Terborg" means "by the castle"). In the southeast is a nature reserve called the Paasberg ("Easter Mountain"). Terborg has a train station. Terborg received city rights in 1419. The patron saint of the city is Saint George. Its coat of arms still is Saint George on a horse, killing a dragon. Until 1813 Terborg was part of the fiefdom Wisch, together with the villages Silvolde en Varsseveld. Terborg was a separate municipality until 1818 when it was merged with Varsseveld into municipality Wisch (equal to the ancient fiefdom). In 2005 it formed municipality Oude IJsselstreek with municipality Gendringen.

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Oude IJsselstreek
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