About the town » Twello, Gemeente Voorst, Gelderland, Netherlands

Twello is a village in the Dutch province of Gelderland. It is located in the municipality of Voorst, about 5 km southwest of Deventer. Twello is a village between the cities Deventer and Apeldoorn. It has several primary schools, among them: De Hietweide, a public school, which means it has no religion tied to it and Sint Martinus, a catholic primary school, located in front of the Sint Martinuskerk (see picture). The village also has two high schools for vmbo and the first 3 grades of havo. Twello was a separate municipality until 1818, when it was merged with Voorst. Twello, Havekes Mölle foto5 2009-09-12 15.18. JPG Twello, windmill: Havekes Mölle Twello, Sint Martinuskerk foto3 2009-09-12 15.27. JPG Twello, church: Sint Martinuskerk

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Gemeente Voorst
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This place belongs to the working area of the Gemeentearchief Voorst