About the town » Vaals, Gemeente Vaals, Limburg, Netherlands

Popular surnames at Vaals

Vaals is a town in the extreme southeastern part of the Dutch province of Limburg, which in its turn finds itself in the southeastern part of the Netherlands. The municipality covers an area of 23.90 km² in the foothills of the Ardennes–Eifelrange and is located about 23 km east of Maastricht and 5 km west of the city centre of Aachen. It borders on both Belgium and Germany. The three borders meet on the Drielandenpunt, a few meters from the highest point of the Netherlands, the Vaalserberg. The Vaalserberg used to be called "Hubertusberg".

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Gemeente Vaals
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Gemeente Vaals