About the town » Venhuizen, Gemeente Drechterland, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Popular surnames at Venhuizen

' is a town in the north-western Netherlands, in the province of North Holland and the region of West-Frisia, in the municipality of Drechterland. Venhuizen was a separate municipality until 1 January 2006, when it was merged with the existing municipality of Drechterland. It was decided to call the new municipality Drechterland. On a map of the Hollands Noorderkwartier from 1288 is Venhuizen mentioned as Veenhusen. The name could be referring to houses at or in the fen. The Dutch Reformed church dates from the 15th century. The other large church, the St. Lucaskerk (St. Lucas church), is built in an unusual style. It's also locally called the tough (robust) church .

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Gemeente Drechterland
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