About the town » Wierden, Gemeente Wierden, Overijssel, Netherlands

Wierden is a town and a municipality in the eastern Netherlands, in the province of Overijssel. The municipality of Wierden also includes the following towns, villages and townships: Enter, Hoge Hexel, Ypelo, Notter, Rectum, Zuna. The municipality has 10 primary schools and 1 secondary school. There are 2 soccer clubs, 2 tennis clubs and 1 volleyball club, this is only the top of the clubs. The village has 3 cemeteries in total of which, only one is currently in use. The major is Henk Robben, who is supported in the board of major and 3 councillors. In midsummer the locally known, 3-day festival "WieZo" is held. Which starts on a Thursday and ends Saturdays. Every night there are 2 musical acts on the Binnenhof. On Saturday there is also the Wiezoloop.

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Gemeente Wierden
Vlag van Netherlands

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