About the town » Zaltbommel, Gemeente Zaltbommel, Gelderland, Netherlands

Records from Zaltbommel

Zaltbommel [zɑɫdˈbɔməɫ zɑɫdˈbɔməɫ] is a municipality and a city in the Netherlands. The town of Zaltbommel was first mentioned as "Bomela" in the year 850. Zaltbommel first received city status in 1231, which status was renewed in 1316. File:Zaltbommel Waalbruggen 001. jpg Zaltbommel (in the upper right hand corner of the image) is situated on the banks of the Rhine, on a stretch of the river called Waal by the Dutch. Major north-south highways and railways cross the river just just east of the town. The current Municipality of Zaltbommel was created on 1 January 1999, by a merger of the municipalities of Brakel, Kerkwijk and Zaltbommel. The municipality is situated in the heart of the Netherlands, close to the A2 Motorway, the railway line from Utrecht to 's-Hertogenbosch and the rivers Waal and Maas.

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Gemeente Zaltbommel
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Streekarchief Bommelerwaard