About the town » Zundert, Gemeente Zundert, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Records from Zundert

Zundert is a municipality and a town in Noord Brabant, the Netherlands. Zundert lies about 10 metres above Dutch sea level, and is located 15 km south-west of the city of Breda, and 35 km north-east of Antwerp, Belgium. Zundert is surrounded by the municipalities Etten-Leur and Breda on the north, Hoogstraten (Belgium) on the east, Wuustwezel (Belgium) on the south, Kalmthout (Belgium) on the southwest, and Essen (Belgium) and Rucphen on the west.

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Gemeente Zundert
Vlag van Netherlands

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This place belongs to the working area of the Regionaal Archief West-Brabant