About the town » Milton Regis, Kent, England, Great Britain

Records from Milton Regis

Milton Regis is a village in the district of Swale in Kent, England. Former names include Milton-next-Sittingbourne, Milton Royal, Middleton, Midletun and Middletune.It has a population of about 5,000. Today it is a suburb of Sittingbourne although this has not always been the case, Milton Regis has the older and richer history. Until around 1800 Sittingbourne was a smaller hamlet and under the control of the Manor of Milton Regis.The ancient settlement was near the church, the current Milton Regis dates back only to 1052. There are many fine timber-framed houses and buildings remaining including a Medieval Court Hall (a seat of Justice and Administration) that dates back to 1450.The town and Manor of Middleton Regis as it was called then was recorded as the largest and most powerful manor in the Lathe of Scraye (in the centre of Kent). Milton Regis was formerly part of the Sittingbourne and Milton urban district.

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Milton Regis
Great Britain
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