About the day » Tuesday June 2, 1868Calender converter

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Born on Tuesday June 2, 1868
Died on Tuesday June 2, 1868

Source: Delpher (KB | national library) Newspapers from June 2, 1868 at Delpher

Born on June 2

Died on June 2

Names that were popular for boys in 1868
  1. Jan
  2. Johannes
  3. Cornelis
  4. Hendrik
  5. Pieter
  6. Willem
  7. Gerrit
  8. Jacob
  9. Petrus
  10. Jacobus
  11. Dirk
  12. Adrianus
  13. Arie
  14. Klaas
  15. Hendrikus
  16. Gerardus
Names that were popular for girls in 1868
  1. Maria
  2. Johanna
  3. Anna
  4. Cornelia
  5. Elisabeth
  6. Catharina
  7. Adriana
  8. Hendrika
  9. Wilhelmina
  10. Grietje
  11. Aaltje
  12. Neeltje
  13. Antje
  14. Trijntje
  15. Petronella
  16. Elizabeth

Source: Wikipedia Historical events 1868
  • Koning Willem III (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1849 till 1890 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • From June 1, 1866 till June 4, 1868 the Netherlands had a cabinet Van Zuijlen van Nijevelt - Heemskerk with the prime ministers Mr. J.P.J.A. graaf Van Zuijlen van Nijevelt (AR) and Mr. J. Heemskerk Azn. (conservatief).
  • From June 4, 1868 till January 4, 1871 the Netherlands had a cabinet Van Bosse - Fock with the prime ministers Mr. P.P. van Bosse (liberaal) and Mr. C. Fock (liberaal).
  • The Netherlands had about 3.6 million citizens.
  • May 16 » The United States Senate fails to convict President Andrew Johnson by one vote.
  • July 28 » The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is certified, establishing African American citizenship and guaranteeing due process of law.
  • October 10 » The Ten Years' War begins against Spanish rule in Cuba.
  • November 3 » John Willis Menard (R-Louisiana) was the first African American elected to the United States Congress. Because of an electoral challenge, he was never seated.
  • November 4 » Camagüey, Cuba, revolts against Spain during the Ten Years' War.
  • December 25 » Pardons for ex-Confederates: United States President Andrew Johnson grants an unconditional pardon to all Confederate veterans.
Weather June 2, 1868

The temperature on June 2, 1868 was about 21.4 °C. The air pressure was 4 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the northwest. The airpressure was 76 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 53%.

Source: KNMI