About the day » Saturday May 12, 1736Calender converter

May 13, 1736 Next pagePrevious page May 11, 1736

Born on Saturday May 12, 1736
Died on Saturday May 12, 1736

Source: Delpher (KB | national library) Newspapers from May 12, 1736 at Delpher

Born on May 12

Died on May 12

Names that were popular for boys in 1736
  1. Jan
  2. Joannes
  3. Cornelis
  4. Johannes
  5. Pieter
  6. Petrus
  7. Hendrik
  8. Jacob
  9. Willem
  10. Gerrit
  11. Jacobus
  12. Jean
  13. John
  14. Dirk
  15. Johann
  16. Adrianus
Names that were popular for girls in 1736
  1. Maria
  2. Anna
  3. Marie
  4. Catharina
  5. Joanna
  6. Johanna
  7. Cornelia
  8. Elisabeth
  9. Neeltje
  10. Mary
  11. Trijntje
  12. Grietje
  13. Elizabeth
  14. Jannetje
  15. Adriana
  16. Aaltje

Source: Wikipedia Historical events 1736
  •  This page is only available in Dutch.
    Van 1702 tot 1747 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • January 26 » Stanislaus I of Poland abdicates his throne.
  • March 8 » Nader Shah, founder of the Afsharid dynasty, is crowned Shah of Iran.
  • April 15 » Foundation of the Kingdom of Corsica.
  • May 26 » The Battle of Ackia was fought near the present site of Tupelo, Mississippi. British and Chickasaw soldiers repelled a French and Choctaw attack on the then-Chickasaw village of Ackia.
  • October 16 » Mathematician William Whiston's predicted comet fails to strike the Earth.
Weather May 12, 1736

The temperature on May 12, 1736 was about 8.0 °C. Wind direction mainly northwest. Weather type: regen zeer betrokken.

Source: KNMI