About the day » Tuesday February 8, 1689Calender converter

February 9, 1689 Next pagePrevious page February 7, 1689

Born on Tuesday February 8, 1689
Died on Tuesday February 8, 1689

Source: Delpher (KB | national library) Newspapers from February 8, 1689 at Delpher

Born on February 8

Died on February 8

Names that were popular for boys in 1689
  1. Jan
  2. Cornelis
  3. Joannes
  4. Pieter
  5. Petrus
  6. Johannes
  7. Jacob
  8. Willem
  9. Jean
  10. Gerrit
  11. Jacobus
  12. John
  13. Johann
  14. Hendrik
  15. Joseph
  16. Thomas
Names that were popular for girls in 1689
  1. Maria
  2. Anna
  3. Marie
  4. Catharina
  5. Elisabeth
  6. Joanna
  7. Cornelia
  8. Mary
  9. Neeltje
  10. Johanna
  11. Elizabeth
  12. Anne
  13. Trijntje
  14. Petronella
  15. Grietje
  16. Ariaantje

Source: Wikipedia Historical events 1689
  • Stadhouder Prins Willem III (Huis van Oranje) was from 1672 till 1702 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • January 22 » The Convention Parliament convenes to determine whether James II and VII, the last Roman Catholic monarch of England, Ireland and Scotland, had vacated the thrones of England and Ireland when he fled to France in 1688.
  • February 12 » The Convention Parliament declares that the flight to France in 1688 by James II, the last Roman Catholic British monarch, constitutes an abdication.
  • May 24 » The English Parliament passes the Act of Toleration protecting dissenting Protestants but excluding Roman Catholics.
  • July 27 » Glorious Revolution: The Battle of Killiecrankie is a victory for the Jacobites.
  • August 5 » Beaver Wars: Fifteen hundred Iroquois attack Lachine in New France.
  • August 27 » The Treaty of Nerchinsk is signed by Russia and the Qing Empire (Julian calendar).