About the day » Tuesday August 3, 1666Calender converter

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Born on Tuesday August 3, 1666
Died on Tuesday August 3, 1666

Source: Delpher (KB | national library) Newspapers from August 3, 1666 at Delpher

Born on August 3

Died on August 3

Names that were popular for boys in 1666
  1. Jan
  2. Joannes
  3. Cornelis
  4. Petrus
  5. Willem
  6. Pieter
  7. Jacob
  8. John
  9. Johannes
  10. Jean
  11. Jacobus
  12. Gerrit
  13. Thomas
  14. Hendrik
  15. Pierre
  16. William
Names that were popular for girls in 1666
  1. Maria
  2. Anna
  3. Catharina
  4. Elisabeth
  5. Marie
  6. Joanna
  7. Elizabeth
  8. Mary
  9. Neeltje
  10. Cornelia
  11. Anne
  12. Jannetje
  13. Sarah
  14. Catherine
  15. Grietje
  16. Adriana

Source: Wikipedia Historical events 1666
  •  This page is only available in Dutch.
    Van 1650 tot 1672 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • August 19 » Second Anglo-Dutch War: Rear Admiral Robert Holmes leads a raid on the Dutch island of Terschelling, destroying 150 merchant ships, an act later known as "Holmes's Bonfire".
  • September 2 » The Great Fire of London breaks out and burns for three days, destroying 10,000 buildings, including Old St Paul's Cathedral.
  • September 3 » The Royal Exchange burns down in the Great Fire of London.
  • September 4 » In London, England, the most destructive damage from the Great Fire occurs.
  • September 5 » Great Fire of London ends: Ten thousand buildings, including Old St Paul's Cathedral, are destroyed, but only six people are known to have died.
  • November 28 » At least 3,000 men of the Royal Scots Army led by Tam Dalyell of the Binns defeat about 900 Covenanter rebels in the Battle of Rullion Green.