About the day » Sunday April 9, 1634Calender converter

April 10, 1634 Next pagePrevious page April 8, 1634

Born on Sunday April 9, 1634
Died on Sunday April 9, 1634

Born on April 9

Died on April 9

Names that were popular for boys in 1634
  1. Jan
  2. Cornelis
  3. Joannes
  4. Pieter
  5. John
  6. Jacob
  7. Petrus
  8. Johannes
  9. Thomas
  10. Willem
  11. Jean
  12. William
  13. Gerrit
  14. Hendrik
  15. Leendert
  16. Robert
Names that were popular for girls in 1634
  1. Maria
  2. Anna
  3. Elisabeth
  4. Catharina
  5. Marie
  6. Joanna
  7. Elizabeth
  8. Mary
  9. Neeltje
  10. Cornelia
  11. Anne
  12. Jeanne
  13. Sarah
  14. Barbara
  15. Margaretha
  16. Trijntje

Source: Wikipedia Historical events 1634
  • Stadhouder Prins Frederik Hendrik (Huis van Oranje) was from 1625 till 1647 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • July 4 » The city of Trois-Rivières is founded in New France (now Quebec, Canada).
  • August 18 » Urbain Grandier, accused and convicted of sorcery, is burned alive in Loudun, France.
  • September 6 » Thirty Years' War: In the Battle of Nördlingen, the Catholic Imperial army defeats Swedish and German Protestant forces.
  • September 12 » A gunpowder factory explodes in Valletta, Malta, killing 22 people and damaging several buildings.
  • October 11 » The Burchardi flood kills around 15,000 in North Friesland, Denmark and Germany.
  • November 11 » Following pressure from Anglican bishop John Atherton, the Irish House of Commons passes An Act for the Punishment for the Vice of Buggery.