Noblesse Européenne - European Nobility » Jeanne de Faÿ

Personal data Jeanne de Faÿ 

Household of Jeanne de Faÿ

She is married to Louis de Dienne.

They got married on April 30, 1454.


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Ancestors (and descendant) of Jeanne de Faÿ

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Historical events

  • Graaf Filips I de Goede (Beiers Huis) was from 1433 till 1467 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Graafschap Holland)
  • In the year 1454: Source: Wikipedia
    • January 8 » The papal bull Romanus Pontifex awards the Kingdom of Portugal exclusive trade and colonization rights to all of Africa south of Cape Bojador.
    • February 4 » In the Thirteen Years' War, the Secret Council of the Prussian Confederation sends a formal act of disobedience to the Grand Master.
    • March 6 » Thirteen Years' War: Delegates of the Prussian Confederation pledge allegiance to King Casimir IV of Poland who agrees to commit his forces in aiding the Confederation's struggle for independence from the Teutonic Knights.
    • April 9 » The Treaty of Lodi is signed, establishing a balance of power among northern Italian city-states for almost 50 years.
    • September 18 » Thirteen Years' War: In the Battle of Chojnice, the Polish army is defeated by the Teutonic knights.

About the surname De Faÿ

  • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname De Faÿ.
  • Check the information Open Archives has about De Faÿ.
  • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching De Faÿ.

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Henri Frebault, "Noblesse Européenne - European Nobility", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed February 19, 2025), "Jeanne de Faÿ".