Nakomelingen Gerrit Aelbertse van Die(je)n » Descendants of Gerrit van Dien

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111595 - 1595
261620 - 1635
381670 - 1670
4131702 - 1702
5221730 - 1740
6271759 - 1787
7431783 - 1827
8161834 - 1868
9401866 - 1934
10111900 - 1930
1111945 - 1945

This tree is available in text, PDF, DOC and EPUB format and as family tree in graphical form.

family tree in graphical formDOC

The Nakomelingen Gerrit Aelbertse van Die(je)n publication was prepared by wijlen Aat Oosterbroek (at the request of the family this publication remains available, contact is not possible).