McNiven - Oliver Family tree » Cecilia Sparkes (1889-1974)

Personal data Cecilia Sparkes 

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Household of Cecilia Sparkes

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Timeline Cecilia Sparkes

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Cecilia Sparkes

William Sparkes
± 1819-1894
Ann Goulding
Jacob Sparkes

Cecilia Sparkes

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    1. Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Tree

    Historical events

    • The temperature on February 1, 1889 was about 9.3 °C. There was 1 mm of rain. The air pressure was 48 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the west-southwest. The airpressure was 75 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 97%. Source: KNMI
    • Koning Willem III (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1849 till 1890 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from April 21, 1888 to August 21, 1891 the cabinet Mackay, with Mr. A. baron Mackay (AR) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1889: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 4.5 million citizens.
      • January 8 » Herman Hollerith is issued US patent #395,791 for the 'Art of Applying Statistics' — his punched card calculator.
      • April 1 » The University of Northern Colorado was established, as the Colorado State Normal School.
      • April 22 » At noon, thousands rush to claim land in the Land Rush of 1889. Within hours the cities of Oklahoma City and Guthrie are formed with populations of at least 10,000.
      • May 31 » Johnstown Flood: Over 2,200 people die after a dam fails and sends a 60-foot (18-meter) wall of water over the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
      • October 24 » Henry Parkes delivers the Tenterfield Oration, effectively starting the federation process in Australia.
      • November 2 » North Dakota and South Dakota are admitted as the 39th and 40th U.S. states.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname Sparkes

    • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Sparkes.
    • Check the information Open Archives has about Sparkes.
    • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Sparkes.

    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Andrea Oliver, "McNiven - Oliver Family tree", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed December 4, 2024), "Cecilia Sparkes (1889-1974)".