Ancestors Emma Yvonne de Gruiter » Ancestors of Emma Yvonne de Gruiter

Generation 1


Emma Yvonne de Gruiter, daughter of Bernardus Johannes de Gruiter follow 2 en Katharina Emma Bos follow 3, was born on September 1, 1939 in Tjimahi (Java, voorm. Ned. Indië). She was from November 1, 1967 till June 30, 1970 militair hospitaal utrecht, from July 1, 1970 till April 18, 1973 kon. militair tehuis bronbeek arnhem, from February 5, 1957 till November 12, 1959 opleiding verpleegster paramatta hospital, from March 30, 1964 till November 14, 1965 wilhelmina gasthuis amsterdam, from November 1, 1980 till July 1983 gemeente ziekenhuis arnhem, from November 1, 1965 till August 31, 1967 bedrijfsverpleegster demka and from January 4, 1960 till December 15, 1963 homeopathisch ziekenhuis utrecht by profession.

Generation 2


Bernardus Johannes de Gruiter, son of Jan de Gruiter follow 4 en Catharina van Baal follow 5, was born on June 16, 1915 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland. He is radiotelegrafist bij het knil, admin. ambtenaar b 1e klasse bij het rivm bilthoven, sergeant-majoor instructeur van de leger technische dienst knil, adjudant onderofficier van het regiment verbindingstroepen and until September 7, 1937 electrciën by profession. Bernardus Johannes died at the age of 84 on August 1, 1999 in Nieuwegein, Utrecht, Nederland and is buried on August 6, 1999 in Bilthoven, Utrecht, Nederland.


Katharina Emma Bos, daughter of Folkert Bos follow 6 en Pauline Josephine Tempel follow 7, was born on September 7, 1911 in Gelsenkirchen (NRW, Duitsland). Katharina Emma died at the age of 70 on June 14, 1982 in Utrecht, Utrecht, Nederland and was buried in Bilthoven, Utrecht, Nederland.

Generation 3


Jan de Gruiter, son of Gerrit de Gruijter follow 8 en Anna Christina Wilhelmina Olnon follow 9, was born on April 5, 1889 in Nieuwendam, Noord-Holland, Nederland. He is metaaldraaier en kotteraar bij werkspoor by profession. Jan died at the age of 72 on June 28, 1961 in Poortugaal, Zuid-Holland, Nederland and is buried on July 1, 1961 in Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland.


Catharina van Baal, daughter of Bernardus Johannes van Baal follow 10 en Aaltje Huisman follow 11, was born on February 24, 1887 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland. Catharina died at the age of 72 on October 7, 1959 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland.


Folkert Bos, son of Simke Luites Bos follow 12 en Femmigje Harmens Pen follow 13, was born on June 17, 1889 in Rotsterhaule, Schoterland, Friesland, Nederland. He is behanger, 1889 mijnwerker and stucadoor by profession. Folkert died at the age of 67 on September 19, 1956 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland and is buried on September 24, 1956 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland.


Pauline Josephine Tempel, daughter of Johann Jakob Tempel follow 14 en Katharina Krämer follow 15, was born on March 12, 1891 in Gelsenkirchen (NRW, Duitsland). Pauline Josephine died at the age of 76 on June 18, 1967 in Abcoude, Utrecht, Nederland and was buried on June 22, 1967 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland.

Generation 4


Gerrit de Gruijter, son of Jan de Gruijter follow 16 en Garretjen Mulder follow 17, was born on October 14, 1861 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Nederland. He is matroos, schipper, zeeman by profession. Gerrit died at the age of 64 on July 1, 1926 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland.


Anna Christina Wilhelmina Olnon, daughter of Per Victor Olnon follow 18 en Anna Catharina van Laar follow 19, was born on June 24, 1867 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland. Anna Christina Wilhelmina died at the age of 87 on December 10, 1954 in Heemstede, Noord-Holland, Nederland.


Bernardus Johannes van Baal, son of Willem van Baal follow 20 en Petronelle Henderica van Elmpt follow 21, was born on June 25, 1856 in Groningen, Groningen, Nederland. He is huisschilder by profession. Bernardus Johannes died at the age of 53 on March 14, 1910 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland.


Aaltje Huisman, daughter of Gerrit Huisman follow 22 en Catharina Mantel follow 23, was born on November 20, 1861 in Enkhuizen, Noord-Holland, Nederland. She is schoonmaakster (1918) by profession. Aaltje died at the age of 75 on January 6, 1937 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland.


Simke Luites Bos, son of Luite Jans Bos follow 24 en Grietje Simkes Dubling follow 25, was born on June 28, 1846 in Langezwaag (Opsterland, FR). He is scheepstimmerman (1897) by profession. Simke Luites died at the age of 78 on February 23, 1925 in Hoensbroek, Limburg, Nederland.


Femmigje Harmens Pen, daughter of Harmen Volkens Pen follow 26 en Antje Wiebes Dijk follow 27, was born on August 28, 1845 in Echten (Lemsterland, FR). Femmigje Harmens died about 1910 in Gelsenkirchen (NRW, Duitsland).


Johann Jakob Tempel, son of Joannes Tempel follow 28 en Catharina Wolberg follow 29, was born on December 25, 1859 in Katernberg (Essen, NRW, Duitsland). He is bergmann (mijnwerker) by profession. Johann Jakob died at the age of 46 on January 25, 1906 in Schalke, Gelsenkirchen (NRW, Duitsland).


Katharina Krämer, daughter of Johannes Krämer follow 30 en Maria Anna Joachim follow 31, was born on March 7, 1857 in Wollmesheim (Landau, RP, Duitsland). Katharina died at the age of 65 on September 12, 1922 in Marl (NRW, Duitsland).

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