Justin and MaGee - Colonial Americans » John Beardsley (1547-1600)

Personal data John Beardsley 

Source 1Source 2

Household of John Beardsley

He is married to Eleanor Bidulph.

They got married on November 18, 1566 at Keele, Staffordshire, England, he was 19 years old.Source 2


  1. William Hugh Beardsley  1582-1632 

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John Beardsley


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  1. Ancestry Family Trees, Ancestry Family Trees
    / Ancestry.com
  2. England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1940, Ancestry.com, Place: Keele, Staffordshire, England; Date Range: 1565 - 1571; Film Number: 1040762 / Ancestry.com

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Historical events

  • Graaf Filips III (Oostenrijks Huis) was from 1555 till 1581 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Graafschap Holland)
  • In the year 1566: Source: Wikipedia
    • March 28 » The foundation stone of Valletta, Malta's capital city, is laid by Jean Parisot de Valette, Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
    • April 5 » Two hundred Dutch noblemen, led by Hendrick van Brederode, force themselves into the presence of Margaret of Parma and present the Petition of Compromise, denouncing the Spanish Inquisition in the Seventeen Provinces.
  • Stadhouder Prins Maurits (Huis van Oranje) was from 1585 till 1625 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • In the year 1600: Source: Wikipedia
    • February 17 » On his way to be burned at the stake for heresy, at Campo de' Fiori in Rome, the philosopher Giordano Bruno has a wooden vise put on his tongue to prevent him continuing to speak.
    • February 19 » The Peruvian stratovolcano Huaynaputina explodes in the most violent eruption in the recorded history of South America.
    • March 20 » The Linköping Bloodbath takes place on Maundy Thursday in Linköping, Sweden: five Swedish noblemen are publicly beheaded in the aftermath of the War against Sigismund (1598–1599).
    • October 6 » Euridice, the earliest surviving opera, receives its première performance, beginning the Baroque period.
    • October 21 » Tokugawa Ieyasu defeats the leaders of rival Japanese clans in the Battle of Sekigahara and becomes shōgun of Japan.
    • December 31 » The British East India Company is chartered.

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Beardsley

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Donald Justin, "Justin and MaGee - Colonial Americans", database, Genealogy Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/justin-and-magee-colonial-americans/P13102.php : accessed July 27, 2024), "John Beardsley (1547-1600)".