From the "PRO-GEN utilities" menu, select "Export" and then "GEDCOM export".
Use the person list to find and select the proband of the pedigree or ancestor of the family tree. Select "Related persons", "ancestors" or "offspring". From this follows a list of people from the pedigree or pedigree.
Now press Enter and enter the name of the GEDCOM file to be created.
A window appears with general information fields that you do not have to fill in.
In the next screen you just click on 'Continue' after which the creation of the GEDCOM file starts.
Genealogical publications are copyright protected. Although data is often retrieved from public archives, the searching, interpreting, collecting, selecting and sorting of the data results in a unique product. Copyright protected work may not simply be copied or republished.
Please stick to the following rules
Request permission to copy data or at least inform the author, chances are that the author gives permission, often the contact also leads to more exchange of data.
Do not use this data until you have checked it, preferably at the source (the archives).
State from whom you have copied the data and ideally also his/her original source.