Attention: Age at marriage (??-??-0945) below 16 years (15).
She is married to Renaud de Roucy.
They got married in the year 0945 at Reims,Marne,France, she was 14 years old.
They got married at Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France.Child(ren):
Alberada de Lorraine(Wife of Ragenold de Roucy)Date of birth: Probablythe early 930's.
Her parents were married in 929["Gisalbertus dux Gerburgam filiamHeinrici regis duxit uxorem" Continuatio Reginonis,s.a. 929, Regino, Chronicon, 158; "Gisalbertusdux Gerbirgam, Heinrichi regis filiam, duxit uxorem." AnnalesHeremi, s.a. 929, MGH SS 3: 141; "Gisalbertus duxGerbirg duxit uxorem" Annales S. MaximiniTrevirensis, s.a. 929, MGH SS 2: 213]. Since her daughter Ermentrude wasmarried by 971 at the latest, a birth relatively early in herparents' marriage is likely.
Place of birth: Unknown.
Date of death: Unknown.
Place of burial: Saint-Remi de Reims.
Her epitaph at Saint-Remi de Reimsappeared side by side with that of Ragenold ["Hoc,Albrada, locor de pulvere pulvis in antro / Et genus heroumproteror hic miserum. / De primo qualem contraxi pulvere sortem /At causam sortis hæc monimenta ferunt. / Particulas sol quinquemeans lustraret Aquari / Hæc me cum tenebris obruit urna suis."Moranvillé (1922), 27; RHF 9: 104].
Father: Giselbert, d.2 October 939, duke of Lorraine.
Mother: Gerberga, daughter of Heinrich I, king of Germany.
A letter from Siegfried, abbot of Görz, toPoppo, abbot of Stablo, written in 1043 when the marriage betweenthe emperor Heinrich III and Agnès de Poitou was beingnegotiated, describes the 3:3 degree of consanguinity between theprospective bride and groom, and includes the statements thatAlberada was a daughter of Gerberga and Giselbert, and that shewas the mother of Ermentrude ["... Heinricus rex exMathilde genuit tres filios: Ottonem imperatorem, Brunonemarchiepiscopum, Heinricum ducem; duas quoque filias, Gerbergam etHadwidem. Quarum altera, id est Hadewidis, Hugoni; altera, id estGerberga, nupsit Gisleberto duci eique filiam Alberadam nominepeperit. Post obitum vero Gisleberti iuncta est in matrimoniumLudovico Francorum regi, a quo filios duos, Lotharium regem etKarolum ducem, filiamque Mathildam, postea Cuonradi regisBurgundionum uxorem suscepit. Porro ex his sororibus, non quidemde uno patre, sed de una matre scilicet Gerberga genitis, dealtera quidem, id est Alberada Ermentrudis, de altera vero, idest Mathilde, Gepa, quae et Gerberga, processit."Giesebrecht (1881-95), 2: 714-5 (document #10)]. See Ermentrude's page for more details.
Spouse: Ragenold/Renaud, d. 10 May 967, count of Roucy.
This marriage is not directly documented,and has been contested. See the page of Ragenold for a discussion.
As indicated above Ermentrude is documented as a daughter ofAlberada. Bruno is documented as a brother of Ermentrude, andGiselbert is documented as a brother of Bruno. See the pages of Ermentrude and Ragenold for more details. Frotmund's wife is documented as adaughter of Ragenold. Bouchard, who doubts the marriage ofRagenold and Alberada, would see two unrelated families here[Bouchard (1981); Bouchard (1987), 268-9]. See the Commentarysection of Ragenold'spage.
Ermentrude, d. 1002×4, m. (1) Aubry II,count of Mâcon; (2) Otte-Guillaume, count of Bourgogne (Burgundy).
Giselbert, d. 19 April, not long after991, count of Roucy.
Bruno, b. ca. 956, d. 1015×6, bishopof Langres, 981-1015×6.
NN, m. Frotmund II,count of Sens.
Anselme = Père Anselme, Histoiregénéalogique et chronologique de la maison royale de France,9 vols (Paris, 1726-33).
Bib. Hist. Yonne = Louis-Maximilien Duru,ed., Bibliothèque historique de l'Yonne, 2 vols.,(Auxerre & Paris, 1850-63).
Bouchard (1981) = Constance B. Bouchard,"The Origins of the French Nobility: A Reassessment", TheAmerican Historical Review 86 (1981): 501-532.
Bouchard (1987) = Constance BrittainBouchard, Sword, Miter, and Cloister. Nobility and the Churchin Burgundy, 980-1198 (Ithaca & London, 1987).
Chron. S.-Bénigne = E. Bougaud, ed., Chroniquede l'abbaye de Saint-Bénigne de Dijon (Dijon, 1875).
Giesebrecht (1881-95) = Wilhelm vonGiesebrecht, Geschichte der deutschen Kaiserzeit, 5thed., 6 vols. (Leipzig, 1881-95)
MGH SS = Monumenta Germaniae Historica,Scriptores series.
Moranvillé (1922) = H. Moranvillé,"Origine de la Maison de Roucy", Bibliothèque del'École des Chartes 83 (1922):11-42.
RHF = Recueil des historiens des Gauleset de la France.
Compiled by Stewart Baldwin
First uploaded 24 April 2008.
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Alberade Aubree de Lorraine | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
945 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Renaud de Roucy |