Genealogy Trimp » Descendants of Pieter Willemsz Trimp

Generation 10 (continuation)


Cornelis Lambertus Kappers, son of Aart Kappers and Antje Trimp, was born on January 20, 1941 in Harderwijk. Cornelis Lambertus died at the age of 57 on October 27, 1998 in Harderwijk.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111625 - 1625
251650 - 1677
3181680 - 1712
4241710 - 1752
5271748 - 1793
6191780 - 1817
7541810 - 1855
8661835 - 1899
9551886 - 1920
10221912 - 1951

This tree is available in text, PDF, DOC and EPUB format and as family tree in graphical form.

family tree in graphical formDOC

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