Genealogy Linse en verwanten » Descendants of Willem Linse, Linsij

Generation 11 (continuation)


Paulus Huibert Slingerland, son of Willem Antonie Slingerland and Johanna Elisabeth Kroon, was born on April 1, 1937 in Voorburg, Zuid-Holland, Nederland, Nederland. He is magazijnbediende by profession. Paulus Huibert died at the age of 41 on June 10, 1978 in Naarden, Noord-Holland, Nederland, Nederland.

Generation 12


Bos, daughter of Willem Bos and (Not public). Deceased.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111625 - 1625
221655 - 1655
371680 - 1706
4121725 - 1739
5191748 - 1782
6391776 - 1817
7521799 - 1843
8301830 - 1866
9561852 - 1896
10441882 - 1922
1171814 - 1937
121 -

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