Genealogy Huijbregtse » Descendants of Hubregt Adriaanse Lievense

Generation 8 (continuation)


Willem Jacobus Huibregtse, son of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on June 29, 1921 in Serooskerke. Willem Jacobus died on July 19, 1921 in Serooskerke.


Jacobus Huibregtse, son of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on May 4, 1923 in Middelburg. He got married on March 15, 1954 in Middelburg with Anthonia Luijks. Jacobus died at the age of 52 on December 8, 1975 in Middelburg.


Adriana Huibregtse, daughter of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on August 10, 1924 in Serooskerke. She got married on January 16, 1946 in Middelburg with (Not public). Adriana died at the age of 74 on September 17, 1998 in Goes.


Willemina Huibregtse, daughter of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on December 16, 1925 in Middelburg. She got married on December 29, 1960 in Middelburg with (Not public). Willemina died at the age of 40 on July 12, 1966 in Middelburg.


Abraham Huibregtse, son of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on September 25, 1927 in Middelburg. Abraham died at the age of 65 on January 29, 1993 in Middelburg.


Pieter Huibregtse, son of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on November 28, 1928 in Middelburg. He got married on January 14, 1953 in Middelburg with Gerdina Hendrika van Helvoirt. Pieter died at the age of 52 on November 15, 1981 in Middelburg.


Catharina Jozina Huibregtse, daughter of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on March 29, 1930 in Middelburg. She got married on November 30, 1951 in Middelburg with (Not public). Catharina Jozina died at the age of 70 on August 20, 2000 in Middelburg.


Neeltje Catharina Huibregtse, daughter of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on April 23, 1933 in Middelburg. She got married on February 25, 1955 in Middelburg with (Not public). Neeltje Catharina died at the age of 79 on August 28, 2012 in Middelburg.


Adriaan Huibregtse, son of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on June 25, 1934 in Middelburg. He got married on February 8, 1963 in Middelburg with (Not public). Adriaan died at the age of 75 on February 23, 2010 in Middelburg.


Huibregtse, a child of Adriaan Huibregtse and Catharina Jozina Barentsen, was born on June 25, 1939 in Middelburg. Deceased and is buried.

Generation 9


Hubregtse, daughter of Roeland Jan Hubregtse and Pieternella Maria van der Meer, was born on June 19, 1936 in Renesse. Deceased on June 19, 1936 in Renesse.


Adriaan Marinus Hubregtse, son of Adriaan Hendrik Hubregtse and Cornelia Jacoba Haze, was born on August 1, 1934 in Elkerzee. Adriaan Marinus died on August 2, 1934 in Elkerzee.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
11 -
2131723 - 1745
3511751 - 1781
4811779 - 1822
5971801 - 1853
61541824 - 1887
71601873 - 1924
8651901 - 1950
921934 - 1936

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