Genealogy Hoffman » Ancestors of Johan Heinrich Hoffman

Generation 1


Johan Heinrich Hoffman, son of Johan Gerardus Hoffman follow 2 en Cornelia Elisabeth Zoet follow 3, was born on December 10, 1872 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. He is klerk, bouwondernemer, kantoorbediende en gemeenteambtenaar by profession. Johan Heinrich died at the age of 61 on February 4, 1934 in Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.

Generation 2


Johan Gerardus Hoffman, son of Johan Heinrich Hoffman follow 4 en Pieternella Mijnders follow 5, was born on May 8, 1848 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. He is smid en ketelmaker by profession. Johan Gerardus died at the age of 82 on February 20, 1931 in Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.


Cornelia Elisabeth Zoet, daughter of Jacob Zoet follow 6 en Sijke Alida van Duuren follow 7, was born on April 18, 1848 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Cornelia Elisabeth died at the age of 66 on January 3, 1915 in Den Haag, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.

Generation 3


Johan Heinrich Hoffman, son of Carl Friedrich Hoffman follow 8 en Vrouwtje Goverts follow 9, was born on August 25, 1814 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. He is goudsmid by profession. Johan Heinrich died at the age of 65 on February 1, 1880 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Pieternella Mijnders, daughter of Gerrit Mijnders follow 10 en Beatrix de Koster follow 11, was born on August 15, 1818 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. She is dienstbode by profession. Pieternella died at the age of 76 on February 20, 1895 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Jacob Zoet, son of Jacob Zoet follow 12 en Jannetje van Dam follow 13, was born on November 7, 1816 in Oude Wetering, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. He is zeeman en zaagmolenaar by profession. Jacob died at the age of 45 on December 13, 1861 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Sijke Alida van Duuren, daughter of Dirck van Duuren follow 14 en Cornelia Gerritsz follow 15, was born on February 20, 1815 in Den Helder, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. She is poortster by profession. Sijke Alida died after 1870.

Generation 4


Carl Friedrich Hoffman, was born 1772 in Gdansk, Pomorskie, Poland and was baptized 1772 in Gdansk, Pomorskie, Poland. He is schoenmaker by profession. Carl Friedrich died on March 7, 1824 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Vrouwtje Goverts, daughter of Govert Klasens Goverts follow 18 en Jentien Farnhout follow 19, was born and was baptized on December 19, 1773 in Hoogeveen, Drenthe, Netherlands. She is kinderschoolhouderesse by profession. Vrouwtje died on March 17, 1842.


Gerrit Mijnders, son of Hendrik Meinders follow 20 en Gerridina van Delden follow 21, was baptized on December 26, 1786 in Meppel, Drenthe, Netherlands. He is kleermaker by profession. Gerrit died on May 12, 1877 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Beatrix de Koster, daughter of François de Koster follow 22 en Pieternella de Ronde follow 23, was born 1798 in Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands. Beatrix died on December 24, 1886 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Jacob Zoet, son of Cornelis Zoet follow 24 en Margreta van der Knijp follow 25, was born 1780 in Gouda, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. He is zaagmolenaar by profession. Jacob died on November 16, 1842 in Ommen, Overijssel, Netherlands.


Jannetje van Dam, daughter of Gerrit van Dam follow 26 en Elisabeth Piket follow 27, was born on October 27, 1776 in Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. Jannetje died at the age of 66 on June 28, 1843 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Dirck van Duuren, son of Jan Fransz van Duuren follow 28 en Agnietje Dirks Lucart follow 29, was baptized 1775 in Middelharnis, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. He is zeeman a/b philadelfia usa and schieman aan boord zm schip maria rijgersbergen, sjouwerman by profession. Dirck died before 1845.


Cornelia Gerritsz. Cornelia died before 1826 in Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.

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