Genealogy Groeneveld Dorrepaal » Alexander Aleng (1891-1943)

Personal data Alexander Aleng 

  • He was born on December 10, 1891 in Amsterdam.
    naam:Aleng, Alexander
    adres:Nieuwe Heerengracht 24
    Archief van het Bevolkingsregister
    Bevolkingsregister 1874-1893: NL-SAA-29138776
  • He died on February 4, 1943 in Vught, he was 51 years old.
    Alexander Aleng stierf op 4 februari 1943 in het concentratiekamp Vught. Hij was de zoon van de diamantslijper Emanuel Aleng en Mietje Brilleman. Alexander Aleng was een koopman.
    Archief concentratiekamp Vught, Sterbebuch 1943

    Aleng, Alexander
    Geboren te:Amsterdam op 10 december 1891
    Omgekomen in:Kamp Vught op 4 februari 1943, 51 jaar
    Alexander Aleng is koopman in manufacturen. Hij is getrouwd met Margaretha Leeman en heeft een dochter; op de Akte van Overlijden in het Sterbebuch 1943 staat als woonadres vermeld: Muiderschans 13, Amsterdam.

    Kamp Vught
    Alexander moet met één van de eerste transporten in Kamp Vught zijn aangekomen. Het nieuw opgerichte kamp is nog lang niet voltooid, door de gevangenen moet hard worden gewerkt aan de verdere opbouw. De keuken functioneert niet tot nauwelijks, het drinkwater is vervuild, medische voorzieningen ontbreken. Velen worden ziek of raken uitgeput, onder wie Alexander.

    Hij sterft op 4 februari 1943 in Kamp Vught, om acht uur in de avond.

    Overledene Alexander Aleng
    Beroep kaufmann
    Geboortedatum 10-12-1891
    Geboorteplaats Amsterdam
    Religie jüdisch
    Woonplaats Amsterdam

    Vader Elias Aleng
    Moeder Mietje Brilleman

    Partner Margaretha Leeman
    Status gehuwd

    Gebeurtenis Overlijden
    Datum 04-02-1943
    Gebeurtenisplaats Vught
    Plaats extra Boschlaan 6
    Oorzaak Allgemeine Sepsis
  • A child of Emanuel Aleng and Mietje Brilleman
  • This information was last updated on May 8, 2022.

Household of Alexander Aleng

(1) He is married to Vrouwtje Neeter.

They got married on February 13, 1924 at Amsterdam, he was 32 years old.

Bruidegom Alexander Aleng
Beroep handelsreiziger
Geboorteplaats Amsterdam
Leeftijd 32

Bruid Vrouwtje Neeter
Geboorteplaats Amsterdam
Leeftijd 26

Vader van de bruidegom Emanuel Aleng
Moeder van de bruidegom Mietje Brilleman

Vader van de bruid Abraham Neeter
Beroep roosjesslijper
Moeder van de bruid Esther Groen

Gebeurtenis Huwelijk
Datum 13-03-1924
Gebeurtenisplaats Amsterdam
Opmerking Echtscheiding 17-12-1926.
Informatie over gelinkte akten
1876 Huw. ouders bruidegom +++
1892 Huw. ouders bruid

The couple were divorced on December 17, 1926.

(2) He is married to Margaretha Leeman.

They got married on October 11, 1939 at Amsterdam, he was 47 years old.

Notes about Alexander Aleng

Alexander ALENG
Geboren 10 december 1891 - Amsterdam, , , ,
Overleden 4 februari 1943 - Vught, , , ,, leeftijd bij overlijden: 51 jaar oud

Emanuël ALENG 1856-
Mietje BRILLEMAN 1858-

Relaties en kinderen
Gehuwd 13 februari 1924, Amsterdam, met Vrouwtje NEETER 1897-1942 en hun kinderen
x x
x x

Broers en zusters
M Izak ALENG 1877-
V Elisabeth ALENG 1884-
V Roseline ALENG 1887-1933
V Alida ALENG 1894-1958
V Fanny ALENG 1897-1979

Huwelijken Vrouwtje NEETER
Het echtpaar is op 17 december 1926 gescheiden.
Overlijden: Joods Monument

Second World War victim

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Timeline Alexander Aleng

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Alexander Aleng

Emanuel Aleng

Alexander Aleng

(1) 1924
(2) 1939

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Historical events

  • The temperature on December 10, 1891 was about 7.9 °C. There was 30 mm of rain. The air pressure was 13 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the south-southwest. The airpressure was 74 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 94%. Source: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • Regentes Emma (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1898 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from April 21, 1888 to August 21, 1891 the cabinet Mackay, with Mr. A. baron Mackay (AR) as prime minister.
  • In The Netherlands , there was from August 21, 1891 to May 9, 1894 the cabinet Van Tienhoven, with Mr. G. van Tienhoven (unie-liberaal) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1891: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 5.1 million citizens.
    • January 29 » Liliuokalani is proclaimed the last monarch and only queen regnant of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
    • February 15 » Allmänna Idrottsklubben (AIK) (Swedish Sports Club) is founded.
    • March 10 » Almon Strowger patents the Strowger switch, a device which led to the automation of telephone circuit switching.
    • April 1 » The Wrigley Company is founded in Chicago, Illinois.
    • May 16 » The International Electrotechnical Exhibition opens in Frankfurt, Germany, and will feature the world's first long-distance transmission of high-power, three-phase electric current (the most common form today).
    • December 22 » Asteroid 323 Brucia becomes the first asteroid discovered using photography.
  • The temperature on October 11, 1939 was between 7.3 °C and 14.8 °C and averaged 10.5 °C. There was 1.6 mm of rain during 1.0 hours. There was 0.7 hours of sunshine (6%). The average windspeed was 3 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the south-southeast. Source: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from June 24, 1937 to July 25, 1939 the cabinet Colijn IV, with Dr. H. Colijn (ARP) as prime minister.
  • In The Netherlands , there was from July 25, 1939 to August 10, 1939 the cabinet Colijn V, with Dr. H. Colijn (ARP) as prime minister.
  • In The Netherlands , there was from August 10, 1939 to September 3, 1940 the cabinet De Geer II, with Jonkheer mr. D.J. de Geer (CHU) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1939: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 8.7 million citizens.
    • January 26 » Spanish Civil War: Catalonia Offensive: Troops loyal to nationalist General Francisco Franco and aided by Italy take Barcelona.
    • March 1 » An Imperial Japanese Army ammunition dump explodes at Hirakata, Osaka, Japan, killing 94.
    • March 2 » Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli is elected Pope and takes the name Pius XII.
    • October 14 » World War II: The German submarineU-47 sinks the British battleship HMSRoyal Oak within her harbour at Scapa Flow, Scotland.
    • November 4 » World War II: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders the United States Customs Service to implement the Neutrality Act of 1939, allowing cash-and-carry purchases of weapons by belligerents.
    • December 12 » HMSDuchess sinks after a collision with HMSBarham off the coast of Scotland with the loss of 124 men.
  • The temperature on February 4, 1943 was between 0.9 °C and 6.3 °C and averaged 3.7 °C. There was 1.0 mm of rain during 1.0 hours. There was 0.8 hours of sunshine (9%). The average windspeed was 3 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the west-southwest. Source: KNMI
  • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • In The Netherlands , there was from July 27, 1941 to February 23, 1945 the cabinet Gerbrandy II, with Prof. dr. P.S. Gerbrandy (ARP) as prime minister.
  • In the year 1943: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 9.1 million citizens.
    • January 15 » The Pentagon is dedicated in Arlington, Virginia.
    • April 26 » The Easter Riots break out in Uppsala, Sweden.
    • June 20 » The Detroit race riot breaks out and continues for three more days.
    • August 31 » USSHarmon, the first U.S. Navy ship to be named after a black person, is commissioned.
    • October 31 » World War II: An F4U Corsair accomplishes the first successful radar-guided interception by a United States Navy or Marine Corps aircraft.
    • November 22 » Lebanon gains independence from France.

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Aleng

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When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
K.Groeneveld, "Genealogy Groeneveld Dorrepaal", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed July 27, 2024), "Alexander Aleng (1891-1943)".