Généalogie Bertrand - Hutsemékers » Anne Marie Koeler (1849-????)

Personal data Anne Marie Koeler 

  • She was born in the year 1849.

Household of Anne Marie Koeler

She is married to Henri Alexandre Giet.

They got married on October 11, 1873 at Verviers, Belgique, she was 24 years old.


  1. Josephine Giet  1879-????
  2. Anne Marie Giet  1880-????
  3. Berthe Pauline Giet  1885-????

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Historical events

  • The temperature on October 11, 1873 was about 16.9 °C. The air pressure was 16 kgf/m2 and came mainly from the southwest. The airpressure was 76 cm mercury. The atmospheric humidity was 73%. Source: KNMI
  • Koning Willem III (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1849 till 1890 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
  • From July 6, 1872 till August 27, 1874 the Netherlands had a cabinet De Vries - Fransen van de Putte with the prime ministers Mr. G. de Vries Azn. (liberaal) and I.D. Fransen van de Putte (liberaal).
  • In the year 1873: Source: Wikipedia
    • The Netherlands had about 4.0 million citizens.
    • April 4 » The Kennel Club is founded, the oldest and first official registry of purebred dogs in the world.
    • August 2 » The Clay Street Hill Railroad begins operating the first cable car in San Francisco's famous cable car system.
    • August 23 » Albert Bridge in Chelsea, London opens.
    • August 30 » Austrian explorers Julius von Payer and Karl Weyprecht discover the archipelago of Franz Josef Land in the Arctic Sea.
    • September 15 » Franco-Prussian War: The last Imperial German Army troops leave France upon completion of payment of indemnity.
    • October 9 » A meeting at the U.S. Naval Academy establishes the U.S. Naval Institute.

About the surname Koeler

  • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Koeler.
  • Check the information Open Archives has about Koeler.
  • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Koeler.

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Huberte Bertrand, "Généalogie Bertrand - Hutsemékers", database, Genealogy Online (https://www.genealogieonline.nl/genealogie-bertrand-hutsemekers/I4105.php : accessed July 27, 2024), "Anne Marie Koeler (1849-????)".