Family Tree Welborn » Deotbric von Hornbach (Van de Ostland) (726-± 768)

Personal data Deotbric von Hornbach (Van de Ostland) 

  • She was born estimated around imated between 680 and 726.
  • She died about 768.
  • This information was last updated on April 19, 2022.

Household of Deotbric von Hornbach (Van de Ostland)

She is married to Lambeth von Hornbach.

They got married


  1. Waldrada von Hornbach  ± 760-824 
  2. Guy Wido de Nantes  ± 759-± 814 

Notes about Deotbric von Hornbach (Van de Ostland)

estimated between 680 and 726¬â€ 
Immediate Family:
Wife of Lambert, count of Hornbach

Mother of Werner; Guy, Count of Nantes and Hrodoald

Deotbric von Hornbach is your 34th great grandmother.
You¬â€ ¬â€ ¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry "Toad" Welborn¬â€ 
your father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry Marvin Welborn, Sr.¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Calhoun H. Welborn¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sarah Elizabeth Welborn¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·ÜíBenjamin Franklin Dykes¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ William Dykes, Sr.¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ George Dykes, Sr.¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Edward George Dykes¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Edward Dykes¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·ÜíThomas Dykes¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Edward Dykes¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Thomas Dykes¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Leonard Dykes¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Lord of Whitehall Thomas Dykes¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·ÜíChristina Dykes¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Richard Salkeld¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Joan Salkeld¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ William de Stapleton, II¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ William de Stapleton¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Sibyl Stapleton¬â€ 
his mother·Üí¬â€ Ladereyne de Brus¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Hawise de Lancaster, Heiress of Kendal¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Helewyse de Lancaster, of Kendal¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·ÜíWilliam ll de Lancaster, 1st Feudal Baron of Kendal¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Gundred de Warenne, Countess of Warwick¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·ÜíElisabeth de Vermandois, dame de Cr√©py¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Hugues I 'Magnus', Comte de Vermandois¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Henry I, king of France¬â€ 
his father¬â€ ·ÜíConstance d'Arles, Reine Consort de France¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Ad√©la√Øde la Blanche d'Anjou, Reine consort d'Aquitaine¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·ÜíGerberge du G√¢tinais, comtesse d'Anjou¬â€ 
her mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Geoffroi I, Count of G√¢tinais¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Engela of Orleans¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Odo I, count of Orl√©ans¬â€ 
her father¬â€ ·ÜíWaldrada von Hornbach¬â€ 
his mother¬â€ ·Üí¬â€ Deotbric von Hornbach¬â€ 
her mother

Not the daughter of Garnier I d'Artois, 1st
LANTBERT, son of --- . He was related to Liutwin "der Heilige" Bishop of Trier, who died in [717]. Graf. Vogt of Kloster Hornbach and Kloster Mettlach (founded in 742 by Bishop Liutwin).
m DEOTBRIC, daughter of --- (-768). The source which names the wife of Lantbert has not yet been identified.
Lantbert & his wife had three children:
1. WIDO (-814). "Carolusဦrex Francorum et Langobardorum" issued judgment in favour of Kloster Mettlach by charter dated to [782] which records privileges granted to "Karolus quondam maiorem domus Miloni" and by King Pepin to "Miloni", names "Leudonius quondam episcopus genitor Miloni et Widoni", specifying that Milo succeeded Leudonius as bishop, and details the dispute between "Wicberto misso et filios Lantberti, Widoni et Hrodoldo vel Warnario"[276]. လWydo [signed Widonis comitis]...germani mei...Wariniဝ donated လin pago Blesensi super fluviolos duos...Trualbam et Sualbam...monasterium...Myndenbachဝ to Hornbach by charter dated 9 May 796[277]. The Royal Frankish Annals record that Wido was installed as prefect of the march of Brittany "comes ac praefectus Britanni limites" in 799 by Charles I King of the Franks, subdued the Bretons in 799 and brought the Breton chief's weapons, engraved with his name, to the king at Worms[278]. The Annales Laurissenses Continuatio records that "Wido comes" was appointed to "marca Brittaniæ" in 799[279]. Imperial missus in 802[280]. "Wido comite" is referred to in an 814 document of Kloster Redon[281]. m ---. The name of Wido's wife is not known. Wido & his wife had two children:
a) WIDO (-killed in battle 834). The primary source which confirms the parentage of Wido has not yet been identified. Comte de Vannes. "Wido" supported Emperor Louis I during the rebellion of the latter's sons and in 834 was sent to Brittany to drive out "Mathfrid, Lambert [presumably Wido's brother, although this is not specified] and all the others of Lothar's party" but was killed[282]. The Annales Xantenses record that "Mahtfrdum atque Landbertum, principes Lotharii consules" were captured and killed in 834[283], "Landbertum" presumably being an error for "Widonem" as Wido's brother Lambert was killed in Italy. The Chronica Rainaldi records that "Odo comes Aurelianensium, Willelmus frater eius comes Blesensium, Guido comes Cenomanensium" died in battle fighting "Lambertum" in 835[284].
b) LAMBERT (-Ticino 30 Dec 836). The primary source which confirms the parentage of Lambert has not yet been identified. He succeeded as Count of the Breton march. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Walam et Warnarium, necnon et Lambertum sed et Ingobertum" as missi [in 813], recording that "Warnarius comesဦaccito nepote Lantberto" acted without the knowledge of "Wala et Ingelberto"[285]. He was expelled from Aachen with his uncle Warner in 814 by King Louis I after the death of Emperor Karl I, Warner being killed in the conflict which followed[286]. The Royal Frankish Annals record that the forces of "Count Lambert" defeated and killed Wihomarc who had rebelled in Brittany in 825[287]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that "comitem Lantbertum" was custodian of Nijmegen [in 830][288], presumably a temporary appointment as "comes palatii" of the royal palace at Nijmegen maybe for the period of the emperor's visit. "Lambert" was one of the supporters of the rebellion of co-Emperor Lothaire I in 833/34, and consequently lost his position in the Breton march[289]. The Annales Fuldenses record the rebellion of "Mahtfredo et Lantberto" in 834 and the battle in which "Udo comes Aurelianensium et Theodo abbas sancti Martini Turonensis" were killed[290]. In 834, he was sent to Italy where Lothar gave him land and installed him as Marchese and Duke of Spoleto.
2. HRODOALD . "Carolusဦrex Francorum et Langobardorum" issued judgment in favour of Kloster Mettlach by charter dated to [782] which records privileges granted to "Karolus quondam maiorem domus Miloni" and by King Pepin to "Miloni", names "Leudonius quondam episcopus genitor Miloni et Widoni", specifying that Milo succeeded Leudonius as bishop, and details the dispute between "Wicberto misso et filios Lantberti, Widoni et Hrodoldo vel Warnario"[291].
3. WERNER [Warner] (-killed 814). "Carolusဦrex Francorum et Langobardorum" issued judgment in favour of Kloster Mettlach by charter dated to [782] which records privileges granted to "Karolus quondam maiorem domus Miloni" and by King Pepin to "Miloni", names "Leudonius quondam episcopus genitor Miloni et Widoni", specifying that Milo succeeded Leudonius as bishop, and details the dispute between "Wicberto misso et filios Lantberti, Widoni et Hrodoldo vel Warnario"[292]. လWydo [signed Widonis comitis]...germani mei...Wariniဝ donated လin pago Blesensi super fluviolos duos...Trualbam et Sualbam...monasterium...Myndenbachဝ to Hornbach by charter dated 9 May 796[293]. လWerinheruss comesဝ declared that လnullus propinquorum meorumဝ would have influence over Hornbach, unless they were of similar age to himself, by charter dated 13 May 807[294]. The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Walam et Warnarium, necnon et Lambertum sed et Ingobertum" as missi [in 813], recording that "Warnarius comesဦaccito nepote Lantberto" acted without the knowledge of "Wala et Ingelberto"[295]. He was expelled from Aachen with his nephew Lambert in 814 by King Louis I after the death of Emperor Karl I, and was killed in the conflict which followed[296]. same person asဦ? WARNER (-before 834). Emperor Louis I confirmed the donation to "Duserensi monasterio" made by "Warnarius quondam comesဦvillam Mastecesဦin pago Tricastinensiဦcum uxoreဦHildisnotaဦdefuncta" by charter dated 834[297]. m HILDISNOT, daughter of --- (-before 834). Emperor Louis I confirmed the donation to "Duserensi monasterio" made by "Warnarius quondam comesဦvillam Mastecesဦin pago Tricastinensiဦcum uxoreဦHildisnotaဦdefuncta" by charter dated 834[298].
Guy or Guido (died before 819) was appointed to replace the late Roland as Warden of the Breton March after his death at the Battle of Roncesvalles in 778. Guy no more effectively exercised control over Brittany than his predecessor, but was the chief contact by which the Bretons knew French policy. His actual territory of control was the County of Nantes. Carolingian infighting distracted Guy and prevented him from exhibiting any real authority. It was to be Norman pressure on the Bretons which would open a portal to a French dynasty in Brittany under Berengar of Rennes.
Guy was the son of Lambert and Teutberga of the Austrasian family of the Guideschi.

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Ancestors (and descendant) of Deotbric von Hornbach (Van de Ostland)

Deotbric von Hornbach (Van de Ostland)
726-± 768

Guy Wido de Nantes
± 759-± 814

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Marvin Loyd Welborn, "Family Tree Welborn", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed September 16, 2024), "Deotbric von Hornbach (Van de Ostland) (726-± 768)".