Family tree Slikker - Gootjes » Ancestors of Jacob Slikker

Generation 1


Jacob Slikker, son of Cornelis Slikker follow 2 en Aagtje Kreijger follow 3, was born on February 11, 1889 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.

Generation 2


Cornelis Slikker, son of Klaas Slikker follow 4 en Guurtje Tuin follow 5, was born on September 11, 1844 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. He is on July 9, 1897 merchant (koopman) and on April 12, 1917 cattle farmer (veehouder) by profession. Cornelis died in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Aagtje Kreijger, daughter of Jan Kreijger follow 6 en Neeltje Smit follow 7, was born on January 2, 1852 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Aagtje died at the age of 71 on March 30, 1923 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.

Generation 3


Klaas Slikker, was born on October 24, 1812 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Klaas died at the age of 48 on August 23, 1861 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Guurtje Tuin, was born on January 9, 1812 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Guurtje died at the age of 65 on February 7, 1877 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Jan Kreijger, was born on February 4, 1812 in Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands. Jan died at the age of 85 on April 5, 1897 in Oudesluis, Anna Paulowna, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


Neeltje Smit, was born on March 20, 1821 in Schagerbrug, Zijpe, Noord-Holland, Netherlands.


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