Family Tree Fry, Harris, Hardy, Sinclair, Anderson, Averill, Marre » Johannes George Jakob Koppenhoffer (1746-1782)

Personal data Johannes George Jakob Koppenhoffer 

Sources 1, 2, 3

Household of Johannes George Jakob Koppenhoffer

He had a relationship with Sussanah Juliana Folkener.


  1. Susannah Copenhaver  ????-± 1816 
  2. John Henry Copenhaver  ± 1769-???? 

Notes about Johannes George Jakob Koppenhoffer

Jacob was baptized by Johan Casper Stoever on July 13, 1746; sponsor:
Balthasar Boesshaar and wife Susanna. He migrated to the Shenandoah
Valley of Virginia prior to 1764. Frederick County was creatd in 1743.
Dunmor County was established from it in 1772 and in 1778 was renamed
Shenandoah County. Thus, Jacob was in Frederick County until 17872, then
in Shenandoah County, in the Strasburg area. Winchester remained in
Fredrick County. A Jacob Kopenheifer was on the1782 Personal Property
Tax list of Shenandoah County for two lots.

He was dead by August 1782. In 1783 Susanna Copenheifer (widow) was
taxed on one cattle. There were also some Coughenours in 1783, 1784, and
1785 state enumerations in Shenandoah County, but no Copenhaver, and noe
of the others were in the area of Strasburg. In 1786 there was a
Copenhouser listd.

On June 22, 1773 Jacob Copenhaver purchased a half-acre lot in Strasburg,
Virginia., Lot #5 from Peter Stover and Frainey his wife. This may have
ben the occasion of his move from the Winchester area.

In the Index to the 1770 Tax Records, Vol. 5 by Gary T. Hawbaker and
Clyde L. Graff: Listed were Jacob Copenhaffer, Yr. 1771 Earl - Comments:

BY F. Edward Wright, page 175 refers to "John George Koppenhoefer of
Jacob Koppenhoefer, b. June 25, 1746; bapt. July 13 1746. Sponsors:
Balthasar Boesshaar and wife Anna.

Among the thirty-one names on the bronze plaque of the old Lutheran
Church ruins at the Hebron Cemetery at Winchester, Virginia is the name
of Jacob Koppenhaver (Copenhaver), when the cornerstone was laid in
1764. Jacob served in the Virginia Militia, Strasburg District in 1760
under Alexander Machir's muster roll. A copy of Jacob's November 1780
Will appears on Page 16 of Lloyd Dale Sparks book entitled "The
Copenhaver Genealogy."

WILL of Jacob Copenh(i)afer's, Strasburg, Shenandoah County, Virgiknia.
Will Book "A" , page 431 - Date: - November 7, 1780 - Proved: - Aug. 29,

Shenandoah County Clerk's Office, Woodstock Courthouse, Virginia.

In the name of God Amen. I Jacob Copenhifer of County of Shenandoah
and Town of Strasburg and State of Virginia, being called to the field in
the Cause of American Liberty to be defended, being of sound memory &c.
do here make my last will and Testament not knowing what may befall me.

And therefore if it should be my lott from our good and gracious
God, that I should never see my dear wife and children anymore, I
therefore and hereby commend them into the derest and best protection of
a Tender Father, God. That he may never forsake them, and what concerns
my outward Estate and Goods.

I give and bequeath the whole to m y dear beloved wife Susanna (Some
accounts say this was Susanna Julianna Folkner or Feltner). I do not
believe this to be true. His granddaughter was a Susanna Julianna
Folkner or Feltner) which I think not too much of her (if it should not
be enough) to maintain and bring and raise up my small children, being
six (John, George Michael, Maria, Susannah, Catherine, and Rebecca) in
number and three or four of them being yet quite helpless, in full hopes
she will make good use of it to their and her good.

Likewise if she should find proper to marry again, to pay to each of
them an equal share out of half of the estate, observing to pay to my
oldest son John the value of half a Joe (?a portuguese gold coin, issued
1722-1835 and worth about $8.50) more an over the equal share of said
half of my estate, the other half being then her own property, only th
said half Joe or eight hard dollars to come out of her half.

And that this my lst will and testament be executed according to my
true intention. I therefore do appoint my dear wife Susanna as sole
executrix to execute every point there in according to my will.

And lastly that she shall use all means in her power to have my sons
John and George (Michael) put out to good trades in a proper time.

Now this I witness with my own hand and seal, this 7th day of
November 1780, to be my last will and testament.

Signed sealed and delivered his
by the said Jacob Kopenhefer
(Signed) Jacob (X) Copenhafer
for his last will and testament mark
on the above 7th of November 1780
In the presence of us ---

Simon Harr
Alexander Machir
Philip Hoffman
Frederick Harr (or Shaver?)
At a Court held for Shenandoah County on Thursday the 29th of August
1782. This last will and testament of Jacob Kopenhaber, deceased, was
proved by the Oathes of Alexander Machir and Philip Hoffman. Sworn to by
Susanna the Executrix herein named who have Bone &c and was order to be

Teste: -
Thomas Marshall CSC

From: - George R. Griffiths, Genealogical Researcher
6023 Fairview Place,Falls Creek, Virginia 22041
Received: - October 15, 1973

The following was provided by Ruth Ehringer in a letter dated April 24,
1988 to Ruth Johnston in Babson Park, Florida:

"Jacob served during the Revolutionary War in the 8th Virginia Regiment
(known as the Germany Regiment), Alexander Machir's Company of the
Strasburg District. The commander was Rev. Mullenberg.

"Jacob was one of the founders of the Lutheran Church in Winchester in
1764. (According to George Griffiths, Lord Fairfax had donated a lot for
the purpose in May 1753. The church, built of limeston, burnd on
September 24, 1854 was not rebuilt.) Wife - Susannah Juliana who died in
July or August, 1825. Estate appraised 8/12/1825. Her son-in-law, Jacob
Sonner (husband of daughter, Rebecca) was the administrator of Susannah's
estate. Susannah married husband #2 after Jacob died -- Jacob Volckner
(also spelled Folckner) between 1782 and 1794.

"Jacob and Suns children - 7 in number - Catharina B. Copenhaver (married
Peter Snapp & Jacob Funck); John Copenhaver (married Margaret Verner
(Peggy); Rebecca Copenhaver (married Jacob Sonner; Margaret Manuel
Copenhaver (not married); George Michael Copenhaver (married Regina
Loldes (also spelled Baltus); Mary Magdaline Copenhaver (my gr gr
grandmother) (married William Miller, Jr.); Susanna Copenhaver (married
Benjamin Clevenger)."

Deed Book. C-96, December 20, 1777, Taverner Beale, Sheriff, sale to
Jacob Copenhaver, Tanner, of Strasburg . . . . John Funk moved from
Shenandoah Co. leaving debts which the said lot and house in Strasburg
were sold to settle (John Funk did not appear at date set for settlement
4 Mar. 1772). Thus Lot #57 was bought by Jacob Copenhaver. Recorded 30
July 1778 (Shen. Co).

It is assumed, but not proven, that he died in Revolutionary service. No
war or pension record to confirm this has been found. But Jacob
Copenhaver was decesed by August 1782. In Will Book A, page 444, the
Inventory, estate of Jacob Copenhafer,decd., was appraised by Fredk,
Stover, Valentine Smith, and Alex. Hite September 23, 1782. It was
recorded on Thursday October 31, 1782. Shenandoah County Order Book,
1781-1784, page 84.

In the 1783 Virginia State enumeration (Personal Property tax list for
Shenandoah County) his widow was listed as Susannah Cappenheafer. She
remarried by July 1 1790 to Jacob Felkener/Folkener/Volkener/Fealtner
(see deed dated July 1, 1790 under son John
Copenhaver, below). jacob Felkener had a daughter Ann Feltner, who
married December 20,1793 to Daniel Stocklager.

From Jacob's will in 1780 we know he had six children, John, eldest son,
and son George "to be put out to good trades in a proper time," plus
three or four yournger and "quite helpless." Deed Book O, below
identified the females as Catherine, Pecky (Rebecca), Molly (Mary), and
Susannah. Note that daughter Margaret is missing from the document,
probably dead by 1780.

The deed mentioned above dated July 1, 1790 (see also under #2 below)
makes it quite clear that Susannah, the widow, was remarrried bythat date
to Jacob Felkener. YET, in 1795 she gave consent for the marriage of her
daughter Rebecca, signing by mark as Susannah Copenhaver. Then in 1797
for the marriage of her daughter Mary appended to the record was this
statement, "Susannah Copenhaver appeared in Woodstock and consented to
the Issuing hereof, thesaid Mary's father being dead." BUT, on January
25, 1799 she signed the marrige certificate for her daughter Susannah by
mark as Susanna Felkener. It is possible that these inconsistencies were
from clerical error, wherein the mother of Rebecca and Mary Copenhaver
was assumed by the clerk to be Copenhaver also.

Regarding Jacob's estate - - Deed Book O, page 305, contans the
following: Heirs of Jacob Copenhaver to Christian Spiker, dated May 5,
1800 -- This Indenture made the fifth day of May in the year of our Lord
one thousand and eight hundred, between George Copenhaver and Regina his
wife, Jacob Funk and Catherine his wife, Jacob Sonner and Pecky (Becky)
hsi wife, William Miller, Molley his wife and Benjamin Clevinger &
Susannah his wife, all of the county of Shenandoah & Commonwealth of
Virginia Legatees & Devisees of Jacob Copenhaver of the same place, decd.
of the one part, & Christian Spicker of Strasburg County & State
aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth Wheeas Jacob Copenhver, now decd,
in his lifetime mentioned that all his estate should be to his wife
Susannah, to her use, that in case she sould intermarry again, that then
one half of his estate should be to his children which said Will is dated
seventh day of November one thousand seven hundred & eighty & of record
in theCounty Court of Shenandoah, the said Susannah, executrix having
since intermarried with Jacob Fealtner, the said Jacob Fealtner &
Susannah his wife, executrix aforesaid & John Copenhaver a Legatee &
Devisee, & Becky his wife sold & conveyed their right & title to a
certain Lot or half an acre of land, situate & being in the Town of
Strasburg, Number 5, by their certain deed, bearing date the lst day of
July 1790 to George Greem which is of record in the County Court of
Shenandoah, the said George Greem
conveyed the same by his deed to the said Philip Greem conveyed the same
by his deed to the said Christian Spicker, party of the second part to
these presents all which said conveyances are recorded in thesame County
Court, as by a reference to the same may more fully appear, thesaid Jacob
Fealtner & Susannah his wife & John Copenhaver & Beckey his wife did for
& in consideration of the sum of nine pounds current money of Virginia,
in their hands paid by the said George Greem, the receipt whereof they
have acknowledged . . . . . . . , etc

George Copenhaver
Regina X Copenhaver
Witness: Jacob Funk
Alexander Hite Catherine X Funk
Saml. Richardson Jacob Sonner
Philip Spengler Peggy (Becky?) X
William Miller
Molly X Miller
Benjamin Clivinger
Susannah X Clavinger

The Indenture was recorded in Shenandoah County Order Book, 1799-1802,
page 319, June Court 1800 - - To Christian Spiker, Indenture of bargain
and sale. On page 188 September Court 1800 - - Above proved by oath of
Philip Spangler.

Another deed, dated December 17, 1801, between the heirs of Jacob
Coplenhaver, other than George (John Copenhaver then of Greenbrier
County) and George Coplenhaver, hatter, of Strasburg, sold to George
Copemhaver Lot #57 in Strasburg. Witnesses were Jno Balthis, Isaac
Hoffman and George Hauck. After the Justices had examined the wives
privily, the deed was recorded March 29, 1802.

The widow, Susannah Felkener died abut 1827 in Shenandoah County,
Virginia. In Will Book O-96 is an estatge account of Susannah
Felckner, decd., Jacob Sonner, Administrator. Payments began August 13,
1825 and the estate totalled $310.31. The account was recorded April 9,
1827. Jacob Sonner was a son-in-law. In the 1820 censusof Strasburg,
Shenandoah County, Virginia, there was a Susan Copenhafer with two
females over 45, plus a male 10-16. She was listed near John Copenhafer
and Jacob Sonner (see below) but could not have been Susannah
(Copenhaver) Felkener. She was probably the widow of a Copenhaver, but
hasnot been identified.

Jacob and Susanna Koppenever had the following

1. Cathrine/Catharina Copenheifer, born ca. 1765, married Peter Snapp
March 17, 1783 (date of bond). Peter was dead by 1790 when Catherine
married (2) August 17, 1790 to Jacob Funck/Funk, both performed by Rev.
Simon Harr. Rev. Harr lived at Strasburg, Virginia. Peter Snapp served
in the Revolution in the 8th Virginia Regiment from Strasburg. The child
of Peter and Catharina was:

Margaret Snapp, born ca. 1784, married February 18 1805 to John
Hines. Their child was:

Catharine Anna Hines, born December 24, 1806, bt. July 25,
1807. Witness, Susannah Feltner

2. John Copenhaver, born ca. 1768, married Peggy (Margaret)
Verner/Varner on July 29, 1789 in Augusta County, Virginia. She was
probably the daughter of Henry Varner. Another daughter, Elizabeth
Varner, married Samuel McCullock in Augusta County on February 4, 1793.
In the 1800 deed of his father's property it is mentioned that John "and
Beckey his wife" had disposed of their share in 1790. Becky may well
have been Peggy, since his wife was Margaret. The 1790 deed clearly
refers to her as Margarett. They were then of Stanton, Augusta County,
Virginia. The deed was dated July 1, 1790 between Jacob Felkner and
Susannah his wife late Susanna Coppenheaver widow and relict of Jacob
Coppenheaver of the one part, and John Coppenheaver, an heir, and
Margarett his wife also of the one part, and George Gremm of the other

The deed identifies two half-acre lots, No. 5 and No. 57, being devised
in Jacob's will and this indenture, for nine pounds, two shillings, and
sic pence, sold Lot No. 5 to George Greemm. It was signed by Johann
JacobFelkner and Susannh Felkner and John Copenhaver and Peckkey
Copenhaver. Appended is a document to Justices of Augusta dated July 1,
1793 requiring them to examine Margaret Coppenheaver "privily and apart"
from her husband, and a certification tht they did so and that Margaret
Coppenhaver "declared tht she freely and Voluntarily Acknowleged the
Conveyance . . . . without the persuasion or threats of her husband and
tht she was willing the same should be recorded.

In an 1801 deed (see under Jacob Copenhaver, above) they were in
Greenbrier County, now West Virginia and his wife signed by mark as
Peckkey Copenhaver.

Do you have supplementary information, corrections or questions with regards to Johannes George Jakob Koppenhoffer?
The author of this publication would love to hear from you!

Timeline Johannes George Jakob Koppenhoffer

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  1. Pennsylvania, Lutheran Baptisms and Marriages, 1730-1799, /
  2. Pennsylvania, Church Records - Adams, Berks, and Lancaster Counties, 1729-1881, /
  3. Walter Bailey

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Historical events

  • The temperature on June 25, 1746 was about 14.0 °C. Wind direction mainly east-northeast. Weather type: geheel betrokken. Source: KNMI
  •  This page is only available in Dutch.
    Van 1702 tot 1747 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • In the year 1746: Source: Wikipedia
    • January 8 » Second Jacobite rising: Bonnie Prince Charlie occupies Stirling.
    • April 16 » The Battle of Culloden is fought between the French-supported Jacobites and the British Hanoverian forces commanded by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, in Scotland. After the battle many highland traditions were banned and the Highlands of Scotland were cleared of inhabitants.
    • June 16 » War of the Austrian Succession: Austria and Sardinia defeat a Franco-Spanish army at the Battle of Piacenza.
    • October 22 » The College of New Jersey (later renamed Princeton University) receives its charter.
  • The temperature on July 13, 1746 was about 18.0 °C. Wind direction mainly west. Weather type: betrokken geheel betrokken. Source: KNMI
  •  This page is only available in Dutch.
    Van 1702 tot 1747 kende Nederland (ookwel Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden) zijn Tweede Stadhouderloze Tijdperk.
  • In the year 1746: Source: Wikipedia
    • January 8 » Second Jacobite rising: Bonnie Prince Charlie occupies Stirling.
    • April 16 » The Battle of Culloden is fought between the French-supported Jacobites and the British Hanoverian forces commanded by William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland, in Scotland. After the battle many highland traditions were banned and the Highlands of Scotland were cleared of inhabitants.
    • June 16 » War of the Austrian Succession: Austria and Sardinia defeat a Franco-Spanish army at the Battle of Piacenza.
    • October 22 » The College of New Jersey (later renamed Princeton University) receives its charter.
  • The temperature on August 29, 1782 was about 13.0 °C. Wind direction mainly west-southwest. Weather type: zeer betrokken. Source: KNMI
  • Erfstadhouder Prins Willem V (Willem Batavus) (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1751 till 1795 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden)
  • In the year 1782: Source: Wikipedia
    • January 15 » Superintendent of Finance Robert Morris addresses the U.S. Congress to recommend establishment of a national mint and decimal coinage.
    • February 5 » Spanish defeat British forces and capture Menorca.
    • February 27 » American Revolutionary War: The House of Commons of Great Britain votes against further war in America.
    • March 8 » Gnadenhutten massacre: Ninety-six Native Americans in Gnadenhutten, Ohio, who had converted to Christianity, are killed by Pennsylvania militiamen in retaliation for raids carried out by other Indian tribes.
    • April 19 » John Adams secures the Dutch Republic's recognition of the United States as an independent government. The house which he had purchased in The Hague, Netherlands becomes the first American embassy.
    • September 14 » American Revolutionary War: Review of the French troops under General Rochambeau by General George Washington at Verplanck's Point, New York.

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Koppenhoffer

When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
Donna Averill, "Family Tree Fry, Harris, Hardy, Sinclair, Anderson, Averill, Marre", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed September 25, 2024), "Johannes George Jakob Koppenhoffer (1746-1782)".