Enkhuizer voorouders van Maurice M. de Wolf, Captain US Navy (1901-1993) » Descendants of Jan Lauerensz. van Loosen

Generation 10


Maria Kuiper, daughter of Daniel Kuiper and Mietje Poth, was born on March 8, 1838 in Warder, Friesland, Nederland. She got married on July 14, 1865 in Grand Rapids (MI) with George Philip Feltzer.

They had 1 child:


Margaretha Maria Kuiper, daughter of Daniel Kuiper and Mietje Poth, was born on December 11, 1839 in Warder, Friesland, Nederland.

Generation 11


Eva Wilhelmina Feltzer, daughter of George Philip Feltzer and Maria Kuiper, was born on October 29, 1870 in Grand Rapids (MI). She got married on October 12, 1896 in Michigan, Verenigde Staten with Rudoph Singer DeWolf.

They had 1 child:

Eva Wilhelmina died at the age of 74 on January 31, 1945 in Hart (MI).

Generation 12


Maurice Mortimer DeWolf, son of Rudoph Singer DeWolf and Eva Wilhelmina Feltzer, was born on April 26, 1901 in Hart (MI). He is captain us navy by profession. He got married on August 15, 1925 in Philadelphia, Verenigde Staten with Marian Watts.

They had 1 child:

Maurice Mortimer died at the age of 91 on March 23, 1993 in Tarifa (Spanje).

Generation 13


Nicholas DeWolf, son of Maurice Mortimer DeWolf and Marian Watts, was born on July 12, 1928 in Philadelphia VS. He is computer pionier - oprichter teradyne by profession. Nicholas died at the age of 77 on April 16, 2006 in Aspen V.S.

Family tree filling

GenerationNumber of peopleBirth / baptism year
111550 - 1550
27 -
3101616 - 1635
48 -
56 -
62 -
76 -
88 -
93 -
1021838 - 1839
1111870 - 1870
1211901 - 1901
1311928 - 1928

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