De Tromslager en de Jutter » Frederik Willem Franx (1921-1944)

Personal data Frederik Willem Franx 

Source 1

Household of Frederik Willem Franx

Notes about Frederik Willem Franx

Frederik is in de oorlog gefusilleerd

Second World War victim

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Fransje Strak

Frederik Willem Franx

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    1. Franx and Schouten family, Laura Franx, Frederik Willem Franx, November 27, 2023
      Toegevoegd via een Smart Match

      Stambomen op MyHeritage

      Familiesite: Franx and Schouten family

      Familiestamboom: 431843681-1

    Historical events

    • The temperature on August 26, 1921 was between 9.6 °C and 20.2 °C and averaged 14.8 °C. There was 10.7 hours of sunshine (76%). The average windspeed was 3 Bft (moderate breeze) and was prevailing from the west. Source: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from September 9, 1918 to September 18, 1922 the cabinet Ruys de Beerenbrouck I, with Jonkheer mr. Ch.J.M. Ruys de Beerenbrouck (RKSP) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1921: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 6.9 million citizens.
      • January 16 » The Marxist Left in Slovakia and the Transcarpathian Ukraine holds its founding congress in Ľubochňa.
      • May 3 » The Government of Ireland Act 1920 is passed, dividing Ireland into Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland.
      • September 5 » Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle party in San Francisco ends with the death of the young actress Virginia Rappe: One of the first scandals of the Hollywood community.
      • September 8 » Margaret Gorman, a 16-year-old, wins the Atlantic City Pageant's Golden Mermaid trophy; pageant officials later dubbed her the first Miss America.
      • October 5 » The World Series is the first to be broadcast on radio.
      • November 11 » The Tomb of the Unknowns is dedicated by US President Warren G. Harding at Arlington National Cemetery.
    • The temperature on September 4, 1944 was between 13.9 °C and 19.4 °C and averaged 16.8 °C. There was 0.8 mm of rain during 0.8 hours. There was 0.5 hours of sunshine (4%). The average windspeed was 5 Bft (very strong wind) and was prevailing from the southwest. Source: KNMI
    • Koningin Wilhelmina (Huis van Oranje-Nassau) was from 1890 till 1948 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Koninkrijk der Nederlanden)
    • In The Netherlands , there was from July 27, 1941 to February 23, 1945 the cabinet Gerbrandy II, with Prof. dr. P.S. Gerbrandy (ARP) as prime minister.
    • In the year 1944: Source: Wikipedia
      • The Netherlands had about 9.1 million citizens.
      • January 5 » The Daily Mail becomes the first major London newspaper to be published on both sides of the Atlantic.
      • June 22 » World War II: Opening day of the Soviet Union's Operation Bagration against the Army Group Centre.
      • June 25 » World War II: United States Navy and British Royal Navy ships bombard Cherbourg to support United States Army units engaged in the Battle of Cherbourg.
      • June 26 » World War II: The Battle of Osuchy in Osuchy, Poland, one of the largest battles between Nazi Germany and Polish resistance forces, ends with the defeat of the latter.
      • August 20 » World War II: The Battle of Romania begins with a major Soviet Union offensive.
      • August 26 » World War II: Charles de Gaulle enters Paris.

    Same birth/death day

    Source: Wikipedia

    Source: Wikipedia

    About the surname Franx

    • View the information that Genealogie Online has about the surname Franx.
    • Check the information Open Archives has about Franx.
    • Check the Wie (onder)zoekt wie? register to see who is (re)searching Franx.

    When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
    Frits Bosch, "De Tromslager en de Jutter", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed July 27, 2024), "Frederik Willem Franx (1921-1944)".