Family tree Meijer » Sidonia Podiebrad (1449-1510)

Personal data Sidonia Podiebrad 

  • She was born on November 14, 1449.

    Waarschuwing Attention: Age at marriage (November 11, 1459) below 16 years (9).

  • She died on February 1, 1510, she was 60 years old.
  • A child of Georg Podiebrad and Kunegonde van Sternberg
  • This information was last updated on March 4, 1995.

Household of Sidonia Podiebrad

She is married to Albrecht van Saksen Meissen.

They got married on November 11, 1459, she was 9 years old.

Zie ES NF Band I Tafel 167


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Historical events

  • Graaf Filips I de Goede (Beiers Huis) was from 1433 till 1467 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Graafschap Holland)
  • In the year 1449: Source: Wikipedia
    • January 6 » Constantine XI is crowned Byzantine Emperor at Mystras.
    • May 20 » The Battle of Alfarrobeira is fought, establishing the House of Braganza as a principal royal family of Portugal.
    • September 1 » Tumu Crisis: The Mongols capture the Emperor of China.
    • October 28 » Christian I is crowned king of Denmark.
  • Graaf Maximiliaan (Oostenrijks Huis) was from 1506 till 1515 sovereign of the Netherlands (also known as Graafschap Holland)
  • In the year 1510: Source: Wikipedia
    • May 12 » The Prince of Anhua rebellion begins when Zhu Zhifan kills all the officials invited to a banquet and declares his intent on ousting the powerful Ming dynasty eunuch Liu Jin during the reign of the Zhengde Emperor.
    • May 30 » During the reign of the Zhengde Emperor, Ming dynasty rebel leader Zhu Zhifan is defeated by commander Qiu Yue, ending the Prince of Anhua rebellion.
    • November 25 » Portuguese conquest of Goa: Portuguese naval forces under the command of Afonso de Albuquerque, and local mercenaries working for privateer Timoji, seize Goa from the Bijapur Sultanate, resulting in 451 years of Portuguese colonial rule.

Same birth/death day

Source: Wikipedia

Source: Wikipedia

About the surname Podiebrad

The Family tree Meijer publication was prepared by .contact the author
When copying data from this family tree, please include a reference to the origin:
D. J. Meijer, "Family tree Meijer", database, Genealogy Online ( : accessed October 23, 2024), "Sidonia Podiebrad (1449-1510)".